A new trailer has dropped this morning, for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2. Darkness will rise indeed! This trailer very much focuses on the dark power of Sauron, and of the war and destruction he brings to Middle-earth. At 2.14, it is a full minute shorter than the previous trailer; but it still packs a punch.

Take a look:

Continue reading “The Rings of Power S2 new trailer is DARK”

At San Diego Comic-con this morning, Prime Video took over Hall H to reveal more goodies, to whet the appetite of fans who are eager for Season 2 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. A new, extended trailer (run time 3 minutes 39 seconds) was revealed. And it was itself revealing!

Here it is, for your viewing pleasure:

And here’s the official press release that goes with it:

Continue reading “Behold The Rings of Power S2 full length trailer”

With San Diego Comic-Con already started and a new Hall H trailer just around the corner, we have much to be enthused about for the sophomore season of Prime Video’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.” New reveals and equally exciting information comes our way almost daily now that the show’s full marketing apparatus has been put into motion. Here is a list of Top 10 Things To Be Excited About in TROP Season 2 as we get close to the Aug. 29 season premiere date.

Here we have collected some very keen characters and reveals from the marketing posters, trailers, and other items from print interviews that represent a significant furthering of the narrative in this Second Age series. This List is potentially littered with spoilers unless you’re already aware of these ads, trailers, and pre-release magazine articles, so be forewarned.

In no particular order (but be sure to check out the full List):

1. Círdan the Shipwright

The elf with the beard (!) is finally on the scene with his ship-building skills. Played by Ben Daniels, this remarkable character has much history behind him and big things to do in Middle-earth. He is older than Galadriel by eons, incredibly wise and perceptive, and will give a powerful gift to a certain Wizard when they first meet. We saw the forging of the Elven Rings in Season One; now with his character confirmed we know the ownership of Narya, the Ring of Fire, will go from Círdan ultimately to Gandalf.

The presence of Círdan gives rise to the possibility we could learn more of the family history of the Noldor; and see the Grey Havens being visited by the Númenoreans, as often happened during the Second Age. How soon before Círdan and He-who-is-still-called-the-Stranger meet up remains a tantalizing unknown. This assumes of course a known identity for the Stranger (see #3 on our List).

2. Pharazon’s Intentions Revealed

The calculating chancellor Pharazôn certainly has a distinguished path in this story toward utterly tragic villainy. He is shown in a trailer at the court of Tar-Míriel, addressing the crowd and drawing a bright sword as a Great Eagle appears in the opening behind him. This is where the friendly voices in our Discord have shared thoughts and come to the conclusion that the appearance of a great Eagle at the same time Pharazôn draws a blade is NOT a good sign for the bird.

Following this hypothesis: IF the potential execution of this noble creature as a piece of terroristic theatre and is meant as a dreadful act of defiance against the Valar themselves, it certainly gives one chills. This revealing of Pharazôn’s nefarious intentions will certainly propel the story towards the utter Downfall that we know is coming to Númenor: a cataclysm that could very well be, years down the line, a mega-spectacle unseen in television history.

3. Tom Bombadil in Rhûn

Of all lingering complaints the one that has lasted for decades was that Tom Bombadil was the most overlooked of all Tolkien characters when it came to popular adaptations. Apologies to Glorfindel. But seeing Jolly Tom skipping and singing poetry while he carries many flowers to Goldberry would as likely cause an unexpecting newbie audience to check out as anything else. He was always the great anachronism in The Lord of the Rings, yet remained a beloved Fan Favorite. Now he gets his first ever appearance with Rory Kinnear playing the part!

Where in the distant East will Tom be residing and why? It seems Nori and the Stranger will meet him in the lands of Rhûn. It is possible he has heard of the missing Entwives, or is somehow drawn to this region merely by his inquisitiveness to see what’s going on; for something is indeed afoot in Rhûn. All bets are off, but a favorite theory is that the Stranger will not exit Season 2 without knowing his true identity, and that Tom Bombadil could be helpful in this endeavor. However, star Daniel Weyman has hinted that the Gandalf-specific dialogue he uttered in Season One might not be all that it seems…

4. Creation of All Those Other Rings

Scratch it up to general impatience, but many fans wanted to see more literal ‘Rings of Power’ in Season One, yet only the Three were made. Also there was the surprise at the creation being out-of-order. But here we see Seven Dwarven Rings in the new poster, and one especially bright sapphire jeweled Ring in the hands of King Durin III. The Showrunners seem to be revealing these Rings within the show’s narrative according to their mentions line-by-line in the famous Ring Verse, showing a unique linguistic dedication on their part. As we see a desperate Celebrimbor dumping a huge handful of Rings into a burning furnace, we ultimately know they are all destined for other hands.

Fans speculate that the Seven feature heavily in Season 2 and that the Nine Rings for Mortal Men will be shown a bit later. That means the One will be made very last of all. This leads us directly to #5.

5. The War of the Elves and Sauron

Interviews with series Director Charlotte Brändström tell of a huge battle to be depicted this Season. The ultimate betrayal of Sauron is revealed to the Elves by his creation of the One Ring of Power. This causes a chain reaction of panic, mobilization, and warfare. No longer disguised as Halbrand, Annatar himself has very much been in the mix, working to deceive Celebrimbor in a mighty fashion (see #10 on our List). Celebrimbor by this time would have given Narya to Círdan, Vilya to Gil-Galad the High King, and Nenya to Galadriel. The poster of Morfydd Clark bearing her magnificent Ring is, well, magnificent. These Elves immediately remove their Rings, hiding them from the Dark Lord, leading him to take them by force of arms.

The city of Ost-in-Edhil is really in for it, and the images of Elrond (Robert Aramayo) in full battle armor are tremendously revealing in terms of where the story is now headed. In short, the aftermath of the battle will ultimately lead to the founding of Imladris. For those unfamiliar with the books, the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm come to Elrond’s aid while his forces retreat Northward, giving them time to escape. There are great casualties. The safest prediction here is that by the end of this Season, Elrond and the survivors of the War will find themselves in a narrow protected gorge of the River Bruinen; a place that will become an all-time favorite location in Middle-earth.

6. Is Cirián Hinds a Wizard?

Dumbledore’s brother Aberforth was played by the remarkable Northern Irish actor Cirián Hinds; yet sadly he was underutilized. He even famously appears in “Game of Thrones.” If recent reports ring true, we shall meet an equally auspicious wizard in the eastern lands of Rhûn this Season. Fellowship of Fans (via Games Radar) reports that Mr. Hinds will indeed be playing an Istari searching for the Stranger, completing his Grand Trifecta of him acting in the largest-ever Fantasy properties.

Will he be one of the infamous Blue Wizards (Alatar or Pallando chosen by the Vala Oromë)? Teasing an even crazier idea, could he be playing a very early Curunír (Saruman) who certainly traveled to the East?

7. Adar’s Betrayal

One of the coolest new characters introduced last Season was Adar: he whom the Uruks call “Father.” Previously played by Joseph Mawle but in future Seasons played by Sam Hazeldine, this character caused significant buzz and conversation, perhaps more than other non-canon characters added to the series. It is easy to see why. He betrayed Sauron in the distant past, a deadly treachery not easily forgiven by the Dark Lord. Later he held up a mirror to Galadriel that caused her to reflect on her revenge-driven impetus. Reports have surfaced saying that the opening of Season Two will show us a Shakespearean scene between Adar and Sauron à la “The Tragedy of Julius Cesar,” containing the most famous back-stabbing scene in English literature.

I can already hear the famous line: “Et tu, Bruté?” being modified by Tolkien fans to say: “Et tu, Adar?”

The Adar storyline tied up with the schemes of Sauron will cause discussion for a long time. We know that there is only one true Lord of the Rings, and he does not share power. That won’t stop Adar from trying to secure his place in the new power structure of Mordor and make things easier for his Uruks. Just a fascinating character!

8. Intrigue in Khazad-dûm

Whenever Season One spent time in the Halls of Khazad-dûm it was distinctly time well spent. The best and most uplifting friendship between an Elf and a Dwarf was on full display, and it was marvelous. Elrond and Prince Durin IV shared scenes of empathy, willfulness, and deeply appreciated humor. Even the grand television-writer’s stereotype of “an elevator conversation” actually happened between these two dear friends (the best use of the old trope seen in ages).

You can expect the worsening of relationships between King Durin III and his son. Things got so bad at the end of Season One he actually excommunicated his own heir from the Royal Line. The intrigue continues apace as Prince Durin IV’s wife Disa (played by the lovely Sophia Nomvete) privately motivates her husband to stand his ground. Then an evil Ring will be distributed. This means things will only worsen within the Dwarven Halls of old. And yet Disa has been mentioned as a “Lady Macbeth” type character who motivates her husband behind-the-throne, which is tantalizing indeed.

9. Narvi’s Friendship with Celebrimbor

Last Season, many wondered at the lack of the Doors of Durin being present, for there was nothing but a small nondescript opening without any ithildin engravings. We saw Elrond enter Khazad-dûm from there. The time compression of this series keeps things vague — but audiences were shown the face of the Silvertine before the existence of that Gate. Now the exclusive reveal from Entertainment Weekly confirms the most famous friend of Celebrimbor will indeed appear: Narvi the master craftsman!

Played by Kevin Eldon, this character along with Tom Bombadil comprise two of the most sought-for characters that have never been shown in a Tolkien adaptation. Celebrimbor and Narvi will befriend one another and ultimately the Doors of Durin will be built. Fans cannot wait to see this seminal moment depicted. It certainly reminds us of the conversation outside the Hollin Gate where Legolas says to Gimli:

“Those were happier days, when there was still close friendship at times between folk of different race; even between Dwarves and Elves.”

10. No More Mystery Boxing!

Sauron’s machinations were hidden from audiences in Season One, as he used the identity of Halbrand to fool Galadriel and bring her to a more “sympathetic position.” This approach to the character caused no small degree of frustration with such “mystery boxing.” That is all in the past.

Now that Saruon’s identity is fully revealed, “The Rings of Power” series can move forward unencumbered by such a plot contrivance, and the audience is the great beneficiary. Everyone sitting at home knows THAT’S SAURON, yet so many of the characters onscreen still do not know. Yes, Elrond has yet to have a prickly conversation with Galadriel about how exactly Halbrand was brought into Eregion. Putting that aside, the story can only benefit from using the classic approach of Dramatic Irony to punch up the tension and dynamics. We will be rooting for our heroes to be smarter, more cautious, to not let evil slip into their midst – and yet it surely will. This is a much better approach and will allow the narrative in Season Two to breathe and expand.

This List shows how many exciting developments are in store for us, and gives distinct promise to the future of this series. We can assuredly see where the train is headed as J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay continue to lay down the tracks. Now is the time to tune in as “The Rings of Power” weaves more intricate storylines and a potpourri of Second Age lore into a heady mix of epic fantasy.

Much too hasty,

Clifford Broadway


Clifford Broadway, longtime contributor and webhost for TheOneRing.net, is co-author of the bestseller “The People’s Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien” (2003) and co-writer/producer of the award-winning RINGERS: LORD OF THE FANS (Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005).

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Vanity Fair revealed earlier this week that Prime Video’s second season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power would have a very particular magic, with British actor Rory Kinnear taking on the iconic role of Tom Bombadil. We provided some speculation as to how Master Tom might contribute to the continuing Second Age saga here, and we are also feeling pretty good about our speculations last January around Tom’s potential appearance this coming season, which premiers on August 29.

Along with this article, VF and Prime Video also offered some early images of Middle-earth’s Eldest in an apparently dry and barren land of Rhûn. Fan reactions to the photos have been predictably mixed, from “perfect!” to (in kinder iterations) “huh?”. That’s nearly always the case whenever a favorite character gets distilled to a single look, costume, or actor (even with the initial Peter Jackson trilogy). Here at TheOneRing, we love some spirited debate, especially when we all remember to be kind.

We also love to take closer looks at these kinds of announcements, in this case, of the four photos included in the Vanity Fair article. There are some details which caught our attention!

Jolly Tom Sports Some Iconic Costuming

“So where are the yellow boots?” was one of the most widespread expectations, and reactions, to the Vanity Fair reveal. Many of VF’s photos involved strong backlighting and darker shadows, and it was challenging to nail the true hue of Tom’s footwear. We did get one exterior shot, though, which indeed displayed a dusty yellow tinge on those iconic boots: maybe not canary yellow, but certainly in the same spirit as the classic Hildebrandt Brothers illustration from their 1976 calendar.

We also got a blue jacket, though perhaps not as “bright” as Old Forest Tom sings about along the Withywindle. Remember, this is Second Age Tom, and perhaps he’ll acquire more than one coat for his closet. We’re not even sure whether he’s taken up residence yet on the border of the someday-Shire, nor met his lifelong love and likely fashion consultant Goldberry.

Interestingly, there are some costuming details which already hint at Bombadil’s deep connection to nature, including tree-like embroidery on his tunic, and a be-flowered belt, fashioned seemingly in the shape of stars. That resonates with the same stellar theme which drove Season One’s Stranger to travel eastward.

And then there’s Tom’s hat. Besides the fact that it sports a muted suggestion of a dark, and hardly flamboyantly placed feather (is it peacock – a notion which Tolkien abandoned – swan, “blue”, or something else entirely?), Second Age Tom’s hat seems strikingly wizard-like: wide-brimmed and fittingly pointy. Might we be seeing a further Gandalf-like embellishment, should Tom choose to offer his headgear as a gift to a certain visiting Stranger?

We See Some Curious Environmental Embellishments

It’s also worth taking a closer look at the location where we find this budding Council of the Wise. There are a few things that stand out:

The environment is largely bone-dry and desolate. The surrounding hills seem treeless, and even the cactus houseplants are withering. The interior floors are dusty enough to scream thirst. This is the anti-Old Forest, and about the most non-Bombadillian landscape one can imagine. That’s probably why Tom is looking pretty sober in these stills. It’s a situation demanding intervention, not celebration.

And yet, there are still hints of a potential oasis. Just as we saw the Stranger restore a fruit tree to life in Season One, perhaps Tom’s work has already begun here with the flourishing of flowers and a lemon tree in the exterior shot we’ve been given. Or maybe Tom is simply a limoncello fan. And perhaps as a nod to another refuge long in the future, or simply to fans of the Hobbit, we even see that Tom is a beekeeper! Plus his furniture looks like it would match well with the Beorn aesthetic.

It’s clear that Tom’s house in Rhûn has been lived in for a long time. The candles are melted down to near nubs, and the pottery and furnishings seem well-worn. This is not Tom’s first rodeo in Rhûn, even if he’s been wandering as far and wide around Middle-earth as your friendly Harfoots.

Probably most mysterious of all, there appear to be star and/or planetary maps embellishing the ceilings in the Second House of Tom Bombadil. These constellation symbols have been central to numerous story lines in Season One – for the Harfoots, the Stranger, and the Three Mystics seemingly banished in last season’s final episode. Perhaps Tom will shed a bit more light on exactly what these star signs mean.

It’s useful to remember that we’ve only seen these four pictures, and know precious little about the full extent for how and where Tom Bombadil will be integrated into the second season of the Rings of Power. We each bring personal expectations for this story line. For some, Tom has been somewhere between a complete mystery and an annoying speed bump in the larger LotR saga. For others, he looms large on our list of favorite characters, which increases the risk, of course, should he be mishandled. We’ll simply have to wait another 13 or so weeks for a the full Bombadil experience.

Hey dol! Merry dol! This will be a challenge!

For those that may have missed it, here’s the Bombadil-focused content from Prime Video’s press release on May 29. You can find the entire release here.

CULVER CITY, California—May 29, 2024 — Today, Prime Video revealed that Laurence Olivier Award-winning actor Rory Kinnear (James Bond films, The Imitation Game), who, as previously announced, joined the Season Two cast of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, will portray the fan-favorite J.R.R. Tolkien character Tom Bombadil. The second season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power will premiere exclusively on Prime Video on August 29, 2024.

This announcement comes after much online speculation, as the timeless, mysterious, and jovial Tom Bombadil has been beloved by Tolkien fans for decades. Given his hand in so many key moments of the larger story, the character’s absence from other on-screen depictions of Middle-earth has often been the topic of robust conversation. The news was revealed through brand-new images from the series, and an interview in Vanity Fair that was released online earlier today.

The series’ showrunners J. D. Payne and Patrick McKay are excited to bring this new element to the story, and are thrilled that the gifted Kinnear is bringing this iconic character to life. “He’s whimsical and magical, and almost verging on silly. But also has the wisdom of the ages and the music of the spheres and deep emotional wells of ancient history and myth, and his conception and function are tied to Norse myths and have deep roots in European fairy tale,” McKay says. “So weirdly, he’s kind of the most Lord of the Rings thing in Lord of the Rings.” Payne adds, “Tom is sort of a curiosity within that structure because while it is darker, Tom Bombadil is singing and saying lines that could be nursery rhymes from children’s poems. So, he sort of defies the tonal shift of the rest of the season and is a real point of light amidst an otherwise sea of darkness.”

Kinnear embraced the opportunity to jump into the famed yellow boots, elaborating that while the description of Tom Bombadil was well-known to readers, he relished the opportunity to portray the voice and mannerisms of the enigmatic being for the first time in a filmed iteration of Tolkien’s work. “There’s this sense of huge experience, huge openness, huge empathy, and having gone through so much that he [Bombadil] knows it’s the small things that are important. That felt actually quite domestic, felt quite reachable in terms of my understanding of who he was.”

Character Description:

  • Rory Kinnear plays “Tom Bombadil” a figure of unknown origin in Tolkien’s works who projects a timeless wisdom, often propelling characters in a direction to see things more clearly and helping them better understand the wide world around them. In the lore, he claims to be as old as Middle-earth itself, possessing wisdom far beyond the reaches of others. Essential to the spirit of discovery and of the search for meaning, Bombadil is famously clad in yellow boots, blue jacket, and a feathered hat, and prone to enigmatic expressions in singsong verse.

Additionally, Chris Smith, Tolkien Publishing Director at HarperCollins, revealed in Vanity Fair that the book titled The Adventures of Tom Bombadil will be re-released in paperback by HarperCollins on August 20, 2024, just ahead of the streaming series’ return to Prime Video. Smith said, “It’s my hope that, with the introduction of Rory Kinnear’s portrayal of Tom Bombadil in The Rings of Power, audiences are inspired to learn more about this unique character beloved of generations of readers around the world, and will delight in sharing in his many adventures in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth.”

Hey Dol! Merry Dol! Bombadil is Coming!

Vanity Fair have today revealed that one of Tolkien’s most beloved characters to ever hit the cutting room floor will finally make his on-screen debut, courtesy of Prime Video’s second season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

The Age of Iarwain Ben-Adar, Oraid, and Forn is finally upon us!

Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow! Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow! Now let his song begin! But what is he after? Fighting off some barrow-wights? Or a masked ring crafter?

To this point, Jolly Tom’s fandom footprints have been largely limited to readers’ imaginations, audio book embellishments, an iconic Hildebrandt Brothers 1976 calendar (seen below), and an occasional illustration on collectible card games. He’s even made a Weta-crafted live action appearance that only made it as far as a long out-of-print Decipher CCG card.

All of that is about to change as Rory Kinnear steps into the role of Middle-earth’s Eldest and Master. An Olivier Award-winning English actor and playwright, Kinnear is perhaps best known for his roles in the Imitation Game, Penny Dreadful, the Daniel Craig era of James Bond movies, and most recently as Churchill in the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. Vanity Fair’s article also includes an interview with the man about to fill these large yellow boots.

Continue reading “Tom Bombadil is Coming to Amazon’s Rings of Power Season 2 – Vanity Fair Exclusive”

Prime Video have announced the final new cast members who will play recurring roles in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season Two.

The three actors are, as with previously announced new cast, acclaimed stalwarts of British television and theatre, with impressive credentials and long pedigrees of excellent work. It is exciting to see Rings of Power welcoming such talent to the fold, and bodes well for the quality of the show to come. (You can read about the rest of the new cast members announced for Season Two here and here.)

Here’s the official press release:

The One Ring

Ciarán Hinds, Rory Kinnear, and Tanya Moodie Join Cast of Prime Video’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power for Season Two

Mar 20, 2023

All three acclaimed actors join the existing cast of the global hit series in recurring roles for the forthcoming second season, currently in production in the UK

CULVER CITY, California—March 20, 2023—The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, which has been viewed by more than 100 million people worldwide and has been an unprecedented global success as the top Original series for Prime Video in every region in its first season, has announced that acclaimed actors Ciarán Hinds, Rory Kinnear, and Tanya Moodie have joined the series’ cast in recurring roles for the forthcoming second season, currently in production in the UK.

Ciarán Hinds


Nominated for both an Oscar and a BAFTA Award as Best Supporting Actor for his performance as “Pop” in Kenneth Branagh’s film Belfast, acclaimed actor Ciarán Hinds has had an illustrious career on both stage and screen. He has starred in such films as Steven Spielberg’s Munich, Martin Scorsese’s Silence, There Will be Blood, Road to Perdition, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, In Bruges, The Phantom of the OperaThe CookThe Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, Persuasion, First Man, Amazing GraceZack Snyder’s Justice League, and The Eclipse, a role for which he was awarded Best Actor at the Tribeca Film Festival. He is also known for his voice role as “Grand Pabbie” the Troll King in the animated films Frozen and Frozen II.

Television audiences know Hinds from his roles as “Mance Rayder” in Game of Thrones (HBO) and “Julius Caesar” in Rome (HBO) as well as starring roles in The English (BBC/Prime Video), Ivanhoe (A&E), Above Suspicion (ITV), Political Animals (USA)and Prime Suspect 3 (ITV). He most recently appeared in the comedy-drama series The Dry (BritBox).

Hinds’ wide-ranging theatre credits include Uncle Vanya, Translations, The Girl from the North Country, Hamlet, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Burnt by the Sun, Closer, The Seafarer, and many others. He toured internationally in Peter Brook’s company in The Mahabharata and has played leading roles at the Royal Shakespeare Company, the Royal Court, the Donmar Warehouse, and the National Theatre.



Rory Kinnear is an award-winning British actor, perhaps best known for his role as “Bill Tanner” in the James Bond films Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, and Spectre. Kinnear recently starred in Alex Garland’s Men, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and saw him nominated for a BIFA award. Other recent film credits include Bank of Dave, Mike Leigh’s Peterloo, Broken (for which he won Best Supporting Actor at the BIFAs), and the Academy Award- and BAFTA Award-nominated The Imitation Game. Kinnear’s TV credits include Inside No. 9 (BBC), Penny Dreadful (Sky Atlantic), Southcliffe (Channel 4, for which he was nominated for a BAFTA for Best Supporting Actor), Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror (Channel 4), and the dramaLucan (ITV) in which he starred in the title role. He can currently be seen in Taika Waititi’s series Our Flag Means Death (HBO Max).

Kinnear is hugely respected for his theatre work, winning Best Actor at the Evening Standard Theatre Awards in 2010 for his performances in Measure for Measure (Almeida Theatre) and Hamlet (National Theatre), and again in 2013 for his performance as “Iago” in Othello (National Theatre), for which he also received an Olivier Award for Best Actor. He previously won an Olivier Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance as “Sir Fopling Flutter” in The Man of Mode in 2008, and was nominated twice before for his performances in Hamlet and Burnt by the Sun. Most recently, Kinnear starred in Force Majeure at the Donmar Warehouse. Kinnear is also an award-winning playwright, penning his debut play The Herd in 2013.  He made his directorial debut with the English National Opera’s production of The Winter’s Tale in 2017.



Tanya Moodie is an acclaimed British actress who won the Royal Television Society’s Breakthrough Award for the role of “Meg” in the BAFTA Award-winning comedy Motherland (BBC). Her numerous television roles include starring as “Hunter” in the miniseries adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere (BBC), as well as roles in Tin Star (Sky Atlantic), A Discovery of Witches (Sky One), The Man Who Fell to Earth (Showtime), and Sherlock (BBC).

Some of Moodie’s recent film roles include J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker as “General Parnadee” and Sam Mendes’ Empire of Light as “Delia.”

In the theatre, Moodie is a two-time Olivier Award nominee for Outstanding Achievement in an Affiliate Theatre for her roles in Intimate Apparel and The House That Will Not Stand. She played “Gertrude” in Simon Godwin’s production of Hamlet for the Royal Shakespeare Company. Her performance as “Rose” opposite Lenny Henry in August Wilson’s Fences in the West End earned her a WhatsOnStage Awards nomination for Best Actress. She was nominated for a UK Theatre Award for Best Performance for her role in Trouble in Mind, and she has received additional Best Actress nominations from the London Evening Standard Theatre Awards and the UK Theatre Awards. Moodie studied at London’s Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, where she was later employed as an associate teacher and council member.

The One Ring

All eight first season episodes are now available to stream exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories in multiple languages. 

The Rings of Power brings to screens for the very first time the heroic legends of the fabled Second Age of Middle-earth’s history. This epic drama is set thousands of years before the events of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings books, and will take viewers back to an era in which great powers were forged, kingdoms rose to glory and fell to ruin, unlikely heroes were tested, hope hung by the finest of threads, and the greatest villain that ever flowed from Tolkien’s pen threatened to cover all the world in darkness. Beginning in a time of relative peace, the series follows an ensemble cast of characters, both familiar and new, as they confront the long-feared reemergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of the elf capital of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the farthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone.  

The first season of The Rings of Power has been an unprecedented success, viewed by more than 100 million people worldwide, with more than 24 billion minutes streamed. The highly anticipated series attracted more than 25 million global viewers on its first day, marking the biggest premiere in the history of Prime Video, and also debuted as the No. 1 show on Nielsen’s overall streaming chart in its opening weekend. The show has also broken all previous Prime Video records for the most viewers, and has driven more Prime sign-ups worldwide during its launch window than any other previous content. Additionally, The Rings of Power is the top Original series in every region—North America, Europe, APAC, LATAM, and the rest of the world. The season finale also created a global cultural moment, with multiple series-themed hashtags, including #TheRingsofPower and others, trending in 27 countries across Twitter for over 426 cumulative hours throughout the weekend.

Season Two of the series is produced by showrunners and executive producers J.D. Payne & Patrick McKay. They are joined by executive producers Lindsey Weber, Callum Greene, Justin Doble, Jason Cahill, and Gennifer Hutchison, along with co-executive producer Charlotte Brandstrom, producers Kate Hazell and Helen Shang, and co-producers Andrew Lee, Matthew Penry-Davey, and Clare Buxton.