Founded in 1999 by a group of like-minded Tolkien fans so anxious for the coming Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings films that they were gathering up every scrap of production information to be found, continues today in bringing fans the latest news on the beloved figures involved in the making of the wildly popular Lord of the Rings movies as well as the newest information available on upcoming productions, Tolkien-centered events, new publications, and fan gatherings.

Founders Xoanon and Tehanu started a small website publishing all the movie information they could get their hands on, including exclusive “spy” reports from Tehanu’s visits to the New Zealand set—activity that got her first escorted off the set, then graciously invited back to take an official look around and to meet Peter Jackson.
Designer/coder Calisuri came across the site and asked if they would like some technical help to grow the site and make it a central web location for other fans eagerly awaiting word from the Jackson sets. He and Corvar used their skill to do just that. With the addition of staff to explore the facts and themes of Tolkien’s written world, follow gaming developments, publish fan art and fan fiction, and answer fans’ questions, the site lived up in every way to its motto: Forged by and for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien.

In the years that followed, the site thrived and so did its unique relationship with Jackson’s production team—a relationship that enabled TORn to bring its readers some exclusive news and night-of-a-lifetime experiences including the famous Oscar parties that hosted the cast and crew after each Oscar-night victory, culminating in an incredible eleven-Oscar sweep for The Return of the King.

Looking to the future with the support of its phenomenal community of fans, continues to be the most comprehensive Tolkien fansite on the web.