In a spy report for the ages, we’re excited to reveal Amazon is already planning an animated spin off from their Rings of Power series.


Anticipating the success of the show, premiering September 2nd on Prime Video, the creative team at Amazon are working on a children’s cartoon series. Here’s what our inside source told us:

The inspiration for the show came from the opening of The Hobbit, when Bilbo first encounters Gandalf. He remarks that the wizard ‘was responsible for so many quiet lads and lasses going off into the Blue for mad adventures. Anything from climbing trees to visiting Elves ­ or sailing in ships, sailing to other shores!’ We thought it would be great to hear the stories of the other Hobbits, who had been on adventures with Gandalf in the past.

With this new series, we’re hoping to make ‘Saturday Morning Cartoons’ exciting, educational and fun again, with wholesome entertainment that is both silly, yet meaningful for the whole family. We’re delighted that Sir Lenny Henry, an actor with a well-known pedigree in comedy and family entertainment, has agreed to voice one of the main characters of the show. With such a distinguished performer already on board, we’re hoping to persuade Sir Ian McKellen to voice Gandalf for us. You really can’t have Gandalf without Sir Ian.

There hasn’t been a final title decision yet. ‘Adventure Hobbits’ was our first thought, but because The Rings of Power is set in the Second Age of Middle-earth, we’re featuring Harfoots in that series. So then we wanted to go with ‘Adventure Harfoots’; but of course the Istari didn’t arrive in Middle-earth until early in the Third Age – so can we blur the lines and have Gandalf and Harfoots together? Then of course there is the additional dilemma about whether it should be ‘Adventure Harfoots’ or ‘Adventure Harfeet’… It’s still a work in progress.

Here at TORn we’re speculating that Amazon may also have wanted to create something to go up against Warner Bros.’ animated Middle-earth tale, The War of the Rohirrim, which is slated for release in April 2024. Now Amazon will have their own animated adventure from Arda. There hasn’t been a cartoon Hobbit since the days of the Rankin/Bass movies; we can’t wait to see the first images from this upcoming show.

Bilbo as he appeared in the Rankin/Bass ‘The Hobbit’ animated film (1977)

Staff from will be at Wondercon this weekend in Anaheim and this project is one of many we will be discussing in our Middle-earth! Coming to your TV this Fall presentation. Look for us tonight in room North 200A at 4:30 pm, tickets are still available online and at the door. 

The Brisbane Tolkien Fellowship invites you to participate in our Zoom meet-up with our special guests John Callen and Sarah McLeod from The Hobbit/Lord of The Rings Movies, on the 31st October, 2021.

Sarah McLeod – Rosie Cotton
John Callen – Oin

We are initiating this event to replace our Evening in Middle-earth which is our major annual fundraiser for Kids in Care, supporting “The Pyjama Foundation”.

Due to Covid, for the last two years we have had to cancel our event, but this year we are running it virtually, online via Zoom and are delighted that we will be joined by John Callen and Sarah McLeod.

Our event, “Evening in Middle-earth”, first began in 2013 and in that time our small club has raised over $12 000 for our nominated charity and donated many children’s books also.

We hope you can join this special online event and enjoy a conversation with our guests.

The Zoom will run for one hour but can be extended to an hour and a half if required.

Details to join the zoom

The Registration Form to join is located at:

The Meet will be on Zoom and will commence:

7:00 pm New Zealand DST

2:00 pm Western Australia

4:00 pm Queensland, Australia

4:30 pm South Australia

5:00 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (NSW, VIC, TAS, ACT)

For other locations please check here

Remember the date, Sunday 31st October and invite all of your friends.

An Evening in Middle-earth

Our friends at Games Workshop sent us this incredible set from their Battle for Middle-earth strategy game, which is called The Battle of Pelennor Fields. In this set, you get to build and paint your characters to replicate what you saw on film. Then fans can use the rules book and strategy guide to play out a very D&D type game, involving our favorite characters. As you will see in this review and picture, you get a ton of stuff with the set, which comes in at $158. You also will need to buy the paint set, and that will cost you $45, but based on what you can do with these sets, even putting all the costs together, it’s still a pretty fair price for everything.

Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Games Workshop: The Battle of Pelennor Fields”

A review is never late, fellow Ringers; it arrives precisely when it means to! Our friends at Asmus Toys sent us this awesome Gandalf the Grey Crown Series figure to review. The first thing we want to do is thank them! Gandalf is easily one of the coolest 1:6 figures I’ve owned. The headsculpt alone is worth the price ($350, if you want to know…), and when you add all the other detailing aspects you get one heck of a great figure. He’s out now, so you should be able to order him and have him quite quickly to your door, ready to invite you on an adventure.

Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Asmus Toys Gandalf the Grey Crown Series Unboxing and Review”

If you loved our last post about the Q-Bitz figures coming from our friends at Asmus Toys, then you’re going to love this one as well! Later this year there are more of these awesome figures coming, and they will include some fan favorites like Gandalf, Legolas, and Frodo. If you like the baddies then you’re in luck as well, with a new Uruk-hai in the mix of this assortment.

If you are collecting their awesome 1:6th scale figures then you’re also going to love this post. Galadriel is getting some love from the folks at Asmus. The likeness looks to be very, very good, and it also comes with her mirror, which adds some great diorama building options with the previously released Frodo figure. Fans can snag Galadriel right now from places like Sideshow Collectibles, for $195 – with her shipping this month.

Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Asmus Toys Galadriel 1:6th and new Q-Bitz announcement!”

Last Fall, John Rhys-Davies and Ryan Gage (aka Gimli and Alfrid) were in Scotland, working on a movie together. Today TORn has an exclusive first peek at a press release, and some fabulous images from the upcoming film, Kingslayer.

The press release tells us:

Kingslayer is a historical action film based on the real life of Richard the Lionheart. Days away from his coronation, a secret meeting with the woman he loves, turns into a life and death fight for survival. As hired mercenaries attack, Chaplain Anselm who has gone looking for the young prince, tries to uncover who is behind the plot and prevent civil war.

The feature penned and directed by BAFTA-award winner Stuart Brennan, has Golden Globe winning Producer Gareth Wiley working alongside him, best known for his four movies with Woody Allen, including MatchPoint and Vicky, Christina, Barcelona. Stanley Kubrick’s Director of Photography is also on board, the Emmy Nominated Doug Milsome BSC, ASC (Full Metal Jacket, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves).

An equally impressive cast have also signed up including Carolina Carlsson (Dragonheart: Vengeance, The Young Pope), Mark Wake (The Necromancer), David Hayman (Fisherman’s Friends), Ian Hanmore (Game of Thrones) and Mark Springer (Shadow & Bone).

John Rhys-Davies plays the role of one of the medieval era’s most famous knights; William Marshal. A man who opposed Richard, until he became King, and then was welcomed as a trusted adviser for keeping his word and not switching sides in the face of defeat, like so many did. Brennan takes the role of Prince Richard and Ryan Gage that of Chaplain Anselm.

Production companies Stronghold and Phoenix Wiley are behind the production. The film shot on location at Dunskey Estate in Stranraer, Scotland and at Crichton Memorial Church in Dumfries during September and October of 2020. This is the fifth feature film produced by Stronghold to have filmed in Scotland.

Stronghold Press Release

Tune in to TORn Tuesday TONIGHT for a look at all of the exclusive images! Here’s one of Rhys-Davies in character, to whet your appetite: