During Dragon Con (from now until the morning of Sept 3rd), our fabulous collaboration mug will be once again available for pre-order from our friends at Oscha.

This beautiful mug has on one side Oscha’s own ‘Doors of Durin’ design, and on the other, TORn’s special 25th Anniversary logo:

The mugs are only available as a limited edition; they were on sale during San Diego Comic Con, and we’ve brought them back for THIS WEEKEND ONLY; after September 3rd they’ll be gone forever! You can pre-order online direct from Oscha; and for those who are at DragonCon this weekend, you can also purchase in person from TORn’s fan table (Hyatt Exhibition Level, opposite the entrance to the Art Show). So don’t delay – order this mug or grab one at Dragon Con, and celebrate the 25 years we’ve had together so far. The road goes ever on….!

Greetings from Atlanta, fellow Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks, wizards and elves, Rohirrim and Beornings, Men and Women of the West, Nazgúl and Uruks, and other glorious embodiments of the diverse denizens of Middle-earth! And Proudfoots! (‘Proudfeet!’) It’s Labor Day Weekend, which means Smaug is stirring in the form of the singular Con forged by fans for fans (why, just like TheOneRing!): it’s Dragon Con time!

Now in its 37th year, and much like the world of fantasy in general, Dragon Con has always leaned heavily into its Tolkienian roots, with Middle-earth inspired programming, cosplay, partying, and a global Fellowship serving to inspire many of the 70,000 or so fans who converge on downtown Atlanta every year.  And the 2024 version will be no different!  Here’s a quick rundown all the Tolkien goodness that will be happening this year, indeed when there seems to be an explosion of so much we can celebrate!

Movie Guests: The Hobbits Are Coming to Dragon Con!

It’s a long-expected celebration as we welcome three excellent and admirable hobbits back to our annual party! Billy Boyd and Elijah Wood have been here before, with 2023 serving as a Frodo first for the con. It’s great to have him back, along with an inaugural visit by Dominic Monaghan. We’ll enjoy reminiscences and revelry, past shenanigans and current updates from gentlemen who still bow to no one! Find them at various times across the weekend.

Alas they’re not bringing Orli with them to Atlanta…

Media Project Updates and an Event: So Much Happening!

International South, Hyatt, 7pm Thursday 29th – watch The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Prime Video was so courteous to schedule the opening of Season Two of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power on the same day that Dragon Con kicks off! They were especially gracious to allow us to host a Release Day Watch Party in a large ballroom space in one of the host hotels where we’ll get to all three of the first episodes on a big screen with 400 or so of our closest friends. There will be swag!

L401-403, Marriott, 11.30am Monday 2nd – The Rings of Power panel

TheOneRing.net will also be hosting a panel on Monday offering an opportunity for reactions and speculations from a crackerjack panel, including our good friend Willie Jenkins aka KnewBettaDoBetta.

L601-602, Marriott, 1pm Friday 30th – The War of the Rohirrim panel

Just as exciting is the upcoming December release of The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, the anime collaboration between the same team that brought us both the LotR and Hobbit movies, along with director Kenji Kamiyama. We’ll have a dedicated panel to discuss the recently released trailers, and special recorded interview with producer Jason DeMarco as he digs into some details with staffer greendragon. (Also look for swag…!)

Centennial One, Hyatt, 11.30am Saturday 31st – Middle-earth Updates with TORn

We’ll even do some speculating about the recently announced next movie release coming in 2026, the PJ-produced, Serkis-directed The Hunt for Gollum. That will happen as part of a general update from TheOneRing.net staffers at Dragon Con, along with some good friends, covering a vast smorgasbord of things we have to look forward to in the Tolkienverse.

Some Scholarly Conversations: Academics Can Party?

Tolkien fans are noteworthy for also loving to dive deeply into Tolkien lore, characters, themes, and discussions as part of their experience. We’ll be scratching that itch on a number of fronts:

L401-403, Marriott, 1pm Saturday 31st – Here at the end of All Things: Tolkien’s Apocalyptic Visions

Our good friend, professor, and author, Constance Wagner, was asked recently about contributing to an upcoming publication discussing apocalyptic themes in fantasy literature. The inquirer wasn’t sure there really was much in Tolkien’s legendarium that dealt with that kind of thing. After Constance calmed down, she recruited a couple of us to join her in road-testing just how apocalyptic Tolkien can be, and across all the Ages of Middle-earth starting with the Music of the Ainur. And what better place to do that than among Dragon Con friends! We may have to hand out cookies to lighten the mood a bit, though.

L401-403, Marriott, 11.30am Sunday 1st – On Fairy Stories

Tolkien’s On Fairy Stories serves as a fundamental apologetic for the importance, depth, and suitedness of these stories in their application to the human condition. Plus they’re good reads. We’re looking forward to engaging with other fans on these foundational ideas.

L401-403, Marriott, 4pm Sunday 1st – The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien

With the publication of the massive three-volume edition of The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien mere weeks away, we take an hour to focus on what we can expect from this monumental effort from scholars Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond. And we’ll probably do a bit of group confession of how many of us skipped the poems during our first LotR reading or two. We may even listen to Tolkien himself reciting some of his verses.

Parades, Partying, Dancing and Singing: Always Trust an Elf! Or a Hobbit!

Grand Ballroom, Courtland Grand, 8.30pm Friday 30th – An Evening at Bree

Dragon Con (unlike many of those “CC” alternatives around the country), is especially knows for its literal 24-hour partying spirit, both informal and officially sponsored. One of those latter parties, indeed one of the longest standing parties across Dragon Con’s history, is our annual Evening at Bree. Always happening on the first full-day of the Con, this Friday evening festival combines live bands (since back in those the Emerald Rose glory days! – this year we’ll have Landloch’d, Beth Patterson, and the Brobdingnagian Bards playing), dancing that’ll bring joy to the most curmudgeonly hobbit, a costume contest showcasing jaw-dropping cosplay talent, and a mini-concert from Bree’s own Elf Choir who gather to rehearse and present iconic fantasy tunes all on the same day. It’s a great way to kick off the Con in a celebratory mood.

Elf Choir performing at Evening at Bree in a previous year – photo courtesy of Geek Behind the Lens
Grand Ballroom, Courtland Grand, 5.30pm Friday 30th – Sing with the Elf Choir

That Elf Choir, in addition to their larger contingent who perform at Bree, also has a dedicated group of master singers, garbed in elven cloaks and sporting ethereal lanterns, who make their way through the Dragon Con masses on their long and melodic journey into the West. Fortunately, the Grey Havens are proving elusive, and they’ll be back again this year.

Grand East, Hilton, 7pm Sunday 1st – Hobbit Drinking Songs

One of the most riotously reeling renditions of Shire shenanigans happens with the Brobdingnagian Bards’ annual concert (and excuse to dance spontaneously): Hobbit Drinking Songs. They’ve been at it long enough that many in the audience join in, at least on the choruses. And they have CDs!

Grand East, Hilton, 10pm Sunday 1st – High Fantasy Goblin Ball

One of the last parties we’ll be joining this weekend is one where staffer deej will be taking the lead: The High Fantasy Goblin Ball! We always like to pick a theme for these dance parties, usually picking a favorite decade where deej focuses her musical stylings. We’re back to the 80s this year, and using a Goblinesque orientation in whatever forms our attendees might choose. The mashup cosplay has gotten pretty hilarious in years past. The Eye of Sauron in shutter shades, anyone?

Home for this Tolkien-inspired programming, and for many of us Tolkien-addicted people, is one of Dragon Con’s 35 or so dedicated fan groups, or “tracks”: The High Fantasy Track. Home base is right in the center of all the action, on the lobby level of the Marriott Marquis (L401-403). Should you be attending Dragon Con this year, come by and say hi to fellow fans there!

Grab some merch – celebrate 25 years of TORn!

You should also, of course, visit staffers greendragon and deej at TheOneRing.net’s fan table in the Atlanta downtown Hyatt, down on the Exhibit Hall level just across from the Art Show (our usual spot). There you can get some fabulous merch – shirts, buttons, and more! Show your political allegiance by voting Gollum/Smeagol 2024; or show your love for TORn with our 25th anniversary shirt and mug.

We’re looking forward to seeing friends old and new! Now forgive us as we go finish up that last flourish on our cosplay!

We’re delighted to reveal a special collaboration we’ve worked on with our friends at Oscha: TheOneRing.net 25th Anniversary mug! Now available for pre-order.

This beautiful mug has on one side Oscha’s own ‘Doors of Durin’ design, and on the other, TORn’s special 25th Anniversary logo:

The mugs are only available as a limited edition. You can pre-order online direct from Oscha; and we’ll also have a limited quantity of mugs available for purchase in person at DragonCon this year. (Sorry, we won’t have the mugs at SDCC this week; but we will have pre-order information!) Please note, this pre-order is for a VERY limited period – it ends July 31st at 4pm BST (11am EST). So don’t delay – order this mug and celebrate the 25 years we’ve had together so far. The road goes ever on….!

It has been fifty years since the Professor sailed into the West, and the Tolkienverse is still thriving. Which is great news for any who wish to pass along the passion as part of their holiday gift-giving, or perhaps pass along that personal hint to your favorite Father Christmas. It’s time for the OneRing staff to gather our collective guidance and bring you our annual Holiday Gift-Giving Guide: the Middle-earth Edition! We’ve pored over a lengthy lineup, narrowing our recommendations down to twelve, one for each day that you and your true love may be mingling under the proverbial pear tree. May you find your Arkenstone somewhere on the list!

For book lovers
  1. Let’s start with something to warm every book purist’s heart: The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien: Revised and Expanded Edition. This is probably the consensus number one pick across all of our TORn staff Fellowship. Just released on November 14, and available broadly from your favorite source for books, this updated edition sees Humphrey Carpenter going back to his original typescripts and notes, restoring more than 150 letters that were excised from the 1981 edition to achieve what was then deemed a “publishable length.” Fortunately our appetite continues to grow for more content on Tolkien and his world in general, and especially commentary on his writings. Anyone for an expanded “Letter 131”, hearing more about a plot summary of the entirety of The Lord of the Rings, or getting Tolkien’s vision for publishing his “Tales of the Three Ages”?

2. Our senior staff member greendragon tends to split her time between America and her home in Scotland, which also boasts one of her favorite sources for unique and beautiful Tolkien-themed gifts: Oscha Slings. And Oscha has just released a number of new items on their website. greendragon enthuses: “In past years, I’ve picked one of their shawls and a throw as gifts; this year, however, I’m excited because their clothing line is back!  The Oscha Wear range includes t-shirts, hoodies, and more, in a variety of sizes and styles – and there is even a range of baby grows! Oscha’s woven pieces are incredible, and are an investment; but now you can add some of their stunning designs to your wardrobe at a lower price point. T-shirts for all the Middle-earth fans in your life this holiday season!  (If you ARE up for splurging, to treat yourself or that special someone, check out Oscha’s new Imladris design. I still haven’t picked my jaw up off the floor, after seeing this…)” And don’t forget to check out their Middle-earth Mug collection!


3. It’s the 20th anniversary of The Return of the King! We’ve even got some staffers – such as deej and Madeye Gamgee – heading to the Land of the Long White Cloud next month in search of Kiwi celebrations. But those are a bit tough to fit into a stocking. No fear! New Zealand Post has once again got you covered. Having already marked the last two years with commemorative collectibles celebrating The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, they’re now ready to help you complete the set! Check out some amazing RotK pieces – coins, stamps and pins – that will put you in the mood to celebrate the Days of the King!  Beautiful stamps show images from the final movie in the trilogy, complete with ‘hidden messages’ – an iconic line from the film hidden in each design. Or along with some of us staffers, you might prefer to receive for the holiday season a set of the stunning coins. There are four in total, depicting Meduseld, Gondor, the Beacons, and Gandalf crowning Aragorn. They tie together beautifully as a set, and would be a wonderful addition to any collection. 

4. Staffer Justin has been enthusing lately about Wizards of the Coast’s entry into Middle-earth through its massively popular Magic: the Gathering line.  Last June the Wizards released a highly anticipated The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth set. For gamers, the “Universes Beyond” card set has integrated Magic’s deep and strategic game-play with settings from Middle-earth (and not just the movies). With the holidays upon us, November 3 saw a new release to expand the set, including a special collection of four Scene Boxes that portray iconic LotR moments, each scene combining six borderless cards that together create a large scene that you can display on the included easel. New booster packs offer the chance to score alternative art, courtesy of the classic 70’s era Hildebrandt brothers, or some very funky “poster art” cards that have some of us humming The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins as we open our boosters.  Fun!

5. The OneRing’s “Collecting the Precious” champion, Elessar, has passed along a couple of favorite gift-giving treasure troves, starting with our friends at Weta Workshop. Weta has been prolific with a host of new offerings aligned with the 20th anniversary of the PJ films, and you can find an array of figures, environments, prop replicas, t-shirts, art posters, etc. on their site. Elessar has highlighted a collection of them designed to fit many budgets, from new entries in Weta’s mini-epic and mini-statue lines like the King of the Dead, Sauron and Treebeard; to additions to their classic figures like a stunning Gondorian Fountain Guard; all the way to the threatening new environment, The Black Gate. Plus, Weta typically offers some great Black Friday promotions, so keep an eye out!


6. Elessar has also had his eye on a growing list of companies offering new Lord of the Rings lines, like Diamond Select Toys. You’ll find dioramas (like Aragorn), a collection of blind box mini-figures, and action figures galore (like a Nazgûl) on their site. Plus they have some terrific new offerings that you can pre-order now for delivery in early 2024. (I would be remiss should I fail to mention my man Sam in that lineup.)

7. Judging from our social media feeds as well as our own obsessions on the OneRing staff, Rivendell has been a glorious new addition to the Lego Lord of the Rings universe. Boasting 3 stunning sections, 15 mini-figures, and over 6,000 pieces, you’ll need (and want) to find a generous space in your home to keep Elrond and company on permanent display. Bonus points for any who add on one of the special lighting kits available from multiple vendors like Lighttailing and Light My Bricks.

8. It’s back to the books for Madeye Gamgee, this time with a glorious new edition of The Hobbit. Published in September, the book features over 50 sketches, drawings, paintings and maps by J.R.R. Tolkien himself and with the complete text printed in two colors. The additional art pieces from the author – although exhibited and published elsewhere – have never appeared within the pages of the book itself. You can find the hardback edition broadly, or for a book this beautiful, you may want to splurge on the special deluxe boxed edition, which comes with two poster-size, fold-out maps revealing all the detail of Thror’s Map and Wilderland, an illustrated 88-page booklet, and a printed art card reproducing Tolkien’s original dust jacket painting.

9. Staffer Mithril has some kingly gifts to suggest. First up is the Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck from Insight Editions.  Written by Casey Gilly and illustrated by Tomás Hijo, Mithril describes this as “like getting a mini gallery of art and a Palantír in a box.” It’s available at HerUniverse.com and on Amazon.  If you’re in the mood for some Middle-earth inspired ornamentation on a more standard card deck, take a spin over to the King’s Wild Project or Theory11 for some amazing embellishments for poker night.


10. Our friends at Badali Jewelry have expanded their licensed offerings to a multiverse of fandoms, but their Middle-earth collection has always been like the Three-Farthing Stone in the Shire: right at the center. Check out their array of offerings like the Arkenstone, Shieldmaiden earrings, or their Palantir Locket.  Staffer Mithril is a particular fan of their latest line of the Nine “Rings of Men”, with notable affection for the Ring of Númenor. Pick out your own Ring of Power! Captivate your friends! Watch out for shieldmaidens with swords!


11. Staffer Tanya keeps an eye out for sources of attire fit for hobbits, elves, Rohirrim, and  other Middle-earth denizens.  Three in particular have caught her eye and heart this year. She writes of Linennaive as offering “several options for Hobbit costuming, focusing on creating dresses using natural fibers. It currently has a Black Friday sale at its website, which assists with the slightly higher pricing for quality work.” Next up is Holy Clothing, a regular shopping spot for my own Rosie. Tanya writes that they’re “an ethical clothing brand out of Asia that pays their tailors fair wages, and gives 15% of their profits to charities. They have dresses named ‘Arwen,’ ‘Eowyn,’ and ‘Tauriel,’ and I admit I am eyeing up this excellent cloak for my own Christmas list.”  The final entry on Tanya’s shopping list is Scarlet Darkness: “they have a variety of extremely affordable outfit options that are still perfectly acceptable at, say, a congregation of Elves at DragonCon, or your local renfest. (I might have used this site for DragonCon myself!) The pricing is very fair, and the quality holds up through all your Hobbit parties or journeys into the west.”  Another clothing site option you may want to check out comes from Mithril: Her Universe, which has a new line of Middle-earth fashion.  “Their clothes have great details and are always high quality and comfy to wear. Check out this Fellowship Cardigan. With both front and back filled with LotR graphics, it would be great for cozying up by the hearth in style.”

Her Universe Galadriel dress

12. Rounding out our “Durin’s Dozen” in this Holiday treasure trove is a unique gift spotted by one of our OneRing founders, Calisuri: a set of four pewter shot glasses each attired as one of our favorite hobbits!  From Nemesis Now, and available from a number of sources, including Walmart and Amazon, the glasses come in an attractive gift box. And while they won’t hold a full pint, you still might consider getting one!

13. Ok fine. How about a “Barliman’s Dozen” then. We’ll add one more bonus entry to this year’s list, particularly fit for any fan with knitting needle facility: The Fellowship of the Knits book. Who couldn’t use a handy set of “Watchful Eye” mittens this winter? Or a “You Shawl Not Pass”? Thanks again to Mithril for the suggestion – it might be worth learning to knit!

We’re just skimming the surface, folks. You can also check out an array of additional options for the Silmarillion-smitten loved ones in your life, from next year’s classic Tolkien calendars to art prints by TORn’s good friends Jay Johnstone, Donato Giancola, Justin Gerard, Jerry Vandersteldt, Jenny Dolfen, and the CaveGeek. The Shire Post Mint has a whimsical collection of coins from all across Middle-earth, and the Hero’s Armory is your source for some very stylish Middle-earth fashion, from socks to neckties to cufflinks and tie clips. You may just want to soak in the bath with a rubber duck version of your favorite LotR hero (or villain) from TUBBZ. Our friends at Sideshow and Asmus boast some terrific Middle-earth offerings, and you can even find some versions for your littlest Tolkien fans-in-training from the Fisher-Price Little People Collection. Or why not launch out into the artist and maker world of Etsy – who knows what you might discover? Maybe a set of silverware with engraved LotR quotes? Or a One Fire Ring to Rule them All?

Happy hunting, and happiest of holidays from all your friends at TheOneRing.net!

The Dragon has been sung back into its lair: DragonCon is over for another year. For five remarkable days, geekdom had a chance to gather again and celebrate together – and TORn staffers deej, Madeye Gamgee and greendragon were able to be with them. Read on, for greendragon’s thoughts on the event.

I’m sure the first question on many people’s minds will be, ‘How was the safety of the event?’ My overall impression was very good. At check in, everyone (be they attending fans, professionals, exhibitors, or guests) was required to show either proof of vaccination or of a negative Covid test, before receiving their pass. Masks were required at all venues – and from what I saw, this was carefully enforced. It must be said, I was not at the Con late at night; and some folks reported that ‘DragonCon after dark’, when perhaps drinks had been consumed, saw masks being discarded. But in the High Fantasy Track room, and at An Evening at Bree, I didn’t see anyone unmasked. Masks were even – gasp! – up over noses, as well as covering mouths. Many cosplayers had found fun and creative ways to coordinate their masks with their outfits – and of course masks are an integral part of many costumes anyway.

Numbers were restricted this year – fewer than half the usual attendees were allowed; and it has to be said, it was wonderful to be able to cross the skybridge between hotels, or get in an elevator, without waiting for half an hour. 35,000 is still plenty of people, so the con did not feel empty – and there were still long lines for An Evening at Bree, and full panels at many of the tracks. (Numbers in track rooms were also reduced, to allow more space; and no standing was allowed.) Rooms were carefully cleaned – each track room had an hour of deep cleaning during each day, as well as a deep clean overnight, and between panels mics were given new covers and surfaces sanitized. As Madeye Gamgee put it, ‘…all the pandemic mitigation standards were followed and seemed to work.’

On the downside, the parade seemed strange without the watchers along the street; that is perhaps something which didn’t work so well with reduced crowds. I know lots of folks missed the fan tables – and that’s a good opportunity for me to remind you that there is new TORn merchandise (shirts, socks, bags, masks, waterbottles, etc.) available online!

TORn's design, featuring quotations from Tolkien: 'Shadows are fleeing ... and merry our meeting. Be of good hope!' We see an image of a smoking pipe, and TORn's logo below. The bottom of the design features another quotation - 'Hope is Kindled' - and the date, 2021. The design is show on a pale grey t-shirt.

Do take a look at the various designs available at TORn’s online Spring store – and thanks for supporting the website!

As mentioned above, lines were long and the room (with the limited capacity allowed) full for Friday night’s An Evening at Bree. The Brobdingnagian Bards got us off to a great start, with toe tapping music playing from the very start, as guests arrived. We had wondered if we should try to limit dancing this year – but you just can’t keep the denizens of Middle-earth off their feet, and soon masked folks were swirling and skipping. Others enjoyed sitting in groups at tables, enjoying a drink from the Prancing Pony bar at the back of the room. After the Bards’ rousing set, the costume contest took place. It was a delight to see the usual extraordinary creativity and talent we’ve come to expect from this contest – big thanks to judges Constance and Laura, who had the unenviable task of selecting winners. Best in show was Lacey Santos’ amazing Smaug, Queen under the Mountain – complete with incredible embroidery, and Arkenstone in hand.

An amazing Smaug cosplay - a long, burgundy gown, with train edged with hand embroidered runes in gold. The dress includes scaled 'armour' epaulettes  in gold and burgundy, a flowing cloak, and  horned crown. The cosplayer has an illuminated Arkenstone in her hand, and long 'claw' fingernails.
Lacey Santos’ Best in Show winning costume (photograph by Geek Behind the Lens Photography)
The sash of the Smaug cosplay dress has Tolkien's own sketch of Smaug embroidered onto it. We also see rhinestones and beads hanging from the shoulders of the dress.
Embroidery detail (photograph by Lacey Santos)
Best in Show winner in her Smaug gown is shown with her plaque award from DragonCon. On either side of her are costume contest judges Laura (L) and Constance (R). All are wearing masks over nose and mouth.
Best in show with judges Laura and Constance (photograph by Geek Behind the Lens Photography)

Musician Beth Patterson was new to Bree this year, but we hope she’ll be back – her two sets were wonderful, and kept everyone in high spirits. We ended the night with some recorded music, allowing us to bring fan favourites Emerald Rose back to Bree. TORn is always very glad to host An Evening at Bree for DragonCon’s High Fantasy Track; as Madeye Gamgee said, ‘It felt like a joyful reunion of old friends and fellowships.’ We look forward to next year; meanwhile, you can check out DragonCon TV’s coverage of this year’s event in the video below.

For those of you who couldn’t attend this year – or who did attend, and want to keep the geeky fun going – there are all kinds of panels, geeky fun, and special guests, to be found at dragoncontv.com. You’ll need to pay $10 for access; and that will enable you to watch TORn’s panel celebrating the 20th anniversary of the release of Peter Jackson’s Fellowship of the Ring. You can find that under Fan Tracks (Saturday), at the 4’59 mark.

All in all, I think a good time was had by all, and I applaud the DragonCon organisers and many volunteers for all their hard work. Going back to that question of safety: I personally stayed away from big crowds, and was on the floor of the con much less than I would usually be, only going to specific events and otherwise staying out of the melee. When I was there, however – at Bree and for panels, as well as catching up with friends – I did not feel unsafe. Of course, when 35,000 people gather in one place, it seems inevitable that some, after the event, will test positive for Covid; but, to quote Madeye Gamgee again, ‘Assuming there aren’t any major super-spreader outbreaks connected to the weekend, DragonCon may have proven that a return to some form of a live convention is possible.’ And that is an encouraging thought.

The Dragon awakens! After a Covid-enforced hiatus last year, DragonCon is back in Atlanta this weekend – and TORn will be there!

The organisers of DragonCon are doing their best to keep everyone safe, requiring attendees to show proof of vaccination or of a negative Covid test, and to wear masks. Numbers will be scaled back (though given how massive DragonCon’s crowds usually are, the venues may not FEEL uncrowded), and there are no fan tables this year. This means TORn staffers deej and greendragon will not be in their usual spot, selling shirts and other merch. BUT – you can find them around the Con, and you can find merchandise online!

TORn's design, featuring quotations from Tolkien: 'Shadows are fleeing ... and merry our meeting. Be of good hope!' We see an image of a smoking pipe, and TORn's logo below. The bottom of the design features another quotation - 'Hope is Kindled' - and the date, 2021. The design is show on a pale grey t-shirt.

TORn’s ‘Hope is Kindled’ design, which was revealed at the end of 2020, seeking to cheer us all in the days of pandemic, can be found at our online Spring store. We’ve also brought back fan favourites ‘Keep Calm and Read Tolkien’ and ‘Coexist’ – which you can order on shirts, mugs, masks, and even socks! Check out all the goodies in the store here; and thanks for supporting the website!

Regular DragonCon attendees will be glad to know that Friday night’s ‘Evening at Bree’ is happening this year. Live music will be provided by The Brobdingnagian Bards and Beth Patterson, and there will of course be a costume contest – sign up for it at the High Fantasy Track Room. An Evening at Bree will be in the Hilton Grand West ballroom, 8.30pm, Friday night.

Tolkien panels in the High Fantasy Track include (of course!) TORn’s panel about Amazon’s Lord of the Rings series. What do we know? What spy reports can we share? Friday 2.30pm is the time to discover those secrets, in the High Fantasy Track Room (Marriott L401-403); when staffers deej, greendragon and Madeye Gamgee will share all they know – and speculate about stuff they don’t know…

On Saturday at 5pm there will be a streamed, pre-recorded panel featuring the above staffers, and a rare sighting for TORn founder Calisuri; this panel is a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the release of Peter Jackson’s Fellowship of the Ring. Calisuri spills the beans about a very special invitation he received, to see some amazing footage in Cannes…

At other times during the Con, you can find entertainment such as Madeye Gamgee discussing the Second Age, greendragon talking Arthurian Adaptations, and deej considering Tolkien’s influence on Stephen King’s The Stand. Find full details in the High Fantasy Track’s schedule for the weekend!

We’re excited to see folks at the Con, and to share some Middle-earth fun with you all. We’ll miss those of you who can’t attend; we’ll raise a drink to absent friends! Cheers, Gaffer!