Why do some Nazgûl thrive when commanded to hunt their master’s stolen Ring while others falter under pressure?
Why do some revel in the responsibility of throwing down their enemy when others wither like fog in strong sunlight?
You might not know it, but nine (count them!) keenly honed success habits keep them hot on the trail.
Nazgûl apprentices, here are those nine instinctive habits that the most successful Ringwraiths employ to keep the Dark Lord number one.
Read and learn. Continue reading “The nine habits of the highly successful Nazgûl”
If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to poetry@theonering.net. One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. TheOneRing.net is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.
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Continuing on from their comic strip version of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Motion Pictures Comics.com has released The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

[Click here to see more]
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Our earlier post suggesting a baker’s dozen of alternative titles for The Hobbit: There And Back Again proved quite the hit.
And because so many of you tossed in even more brilliant suggestions, we thought we might as well do a sequel.
Studios do it, so why not us? Continue reading “Another thirteen possible titles for The Hobbit: There And Back Again”
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It may be that Warner Bros., New Line and MGM are currently reconsidering exactly what they should call the final film of Peter Jackson trilogy of Hobbit films. Or maybe they’re not. Maybe it’s for some related thing (a video game tie-in, perchance?). We’re still not quite sure.
However, IF a title change is in the air, the smartmouths of the internets would like to put in their two bob and suggest some alternatives that could prove a hit with the punters. Continue reading “Thirteen alternative titles PJ should consider for The Hobbit: There And Back Again”
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David Dutton over at Cinefix has created this remarkable 16-bit game-style version of The Hobbit films — at least the two films that we’ve seen to date.
If you ever played isometric arcade/adventure games such as the classic Knight Lore, or the hit strategy game Populous, you’ll get a kick out of this. Plus they’re running a competition with the opportunity to win a Limited Edition Collectors set of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
Continue reading “Watch The Hobbit re-rendered in the style of a classic 16-bit video game”
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As many of you might have guessed, there were a couple of stories posted today that were a few facts shy of truthfulness, courtesy of your very tricksy TORn staff on the occasion of April Fools Day. Currently, Warner Bros has no plans to move the release date of “The Hobbit: There and Back Again” to July 2015 or any other date, and no, Peter Jackson has not hired Leonard Nimoy to reprise his “Ballad of Bilbo Baggins” song for the closing credits. We also had a little fun over on the message boards, highlighted by this post by DanielLB. Turns out there were April Fools jokes all over the inter webs today, and even a few with actual advertising, such as the Cheeteau perfume, that smells like Cheetos. None for me, thank you very much. A quick google search should come up with some of the best, but this reporter rather liked the the PBS report on Dolphins shooting rainbows out of their beaks, or Westjet converting to Metric time and giving you a mathematical equation to figure out the time conversion. So if you were scratching your head, wondering if something we said was true or not, rest assured that the two stories mentioned above were not true, but the interview with Luke Evans and the spoiler analysis from Cinemacon were true. And if you would like a walk down memory lane to April Fools past, you can find them on the TORn Mathom-house Wiki.
And for anyone wondering why Garfield the Cat is being used here, the answer lies in my nickname.
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