Check your calendars. This is not, I repeat NOT one of our famous (or infamous) TORn April fools jokes. Variety broke the story tonight that Warner Bros. is in talks with Amazon to develop a series based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings novels! According to Variety, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is personally involved in the negotiations, which are still in the very early stages.
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Helm Collectors rejoice! Our friends at Weta Workshop have two brand new items for you to add to your collection. The first helm covers the good guys, coming all the way from Gondor itself. This Gondor King’s Guard’s Helm captures the beauty of Gondor perfectly and is super-limited with only 750 copies world wide. The second helm makes its way to us all the way from pits beneath Orthanc and, like the King’s Guard Helm, perfectly captures the twisted evil nature of the Uruk-hai. The Uruk-hai Swordsman’s helm is also limited to 750 pieces, as well as coming in with a price tag of $79. Both helms are due to ship early next year but with edition sizes this low they won’t last that long so get your orders in now.
Updated 11/3/17 – From time-to-time you, the fans, email TORn about events of interest to other fans of J.R.R. Tolkien and/or Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies. As a service to our readers, we decided to created this new feature: a listing of upcoming events to keep everyone apprised of where they can hook-up and commiserate with other fans, learn a thing or two, or just plain enjoy the fandom that we’ve all come to know and love. From Howard Shore concerts in Paris, to fan get-togethers in Kentucky and South Carolina, to exhibitions in Staffordshire, U.K., it’s all listed here! The list will be updated periodically as past events drop off and future events are added. If you know of an upcoming event, please let us know either in the comments section of this story, or by emailing – TORn, ‘Together in Tolkien’
Continue reading “Fall/winter Tolkien/LOTR events: your ‘go-to’ list”