Our friends at Weta Workshop have another fantastic piece launching for pre-order.

This new statue comes from The Hobbit Trilogy and covers the really cool Dol Guldur sequence. Fans have a chance to add another one of those awesome Ringwraith designs we saw during The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.

The Ringwraith getting the full 1:6th treatment is the Ringwraith of Forod, which fans had a chance to add via the 1:30 scale line for the Dol Guldur sequence. This piece is limited to only 500 pieces worldwide and comes with a price tag of $499.

Fans can use the new payment plan system to make it easier so you don’t miss this limited edition collectible.

14756336341ca934fe51f1d07fb239361f5cd8cfe8Previewed during Comic-Con 2016 at the Weta Cave, our friends at Weta Workshop are proud to announce their newest statue for The Hobbit Trilogy line of statues. Joining the collections of many collectors world-wide is none other than The Witch-King as we saw him at Dol Guldur during The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. This fantastic statue is a super dynamic pose of The Witch-King looking to take out a member of The White Council. Collectors, you can add this to your collection for $349 and I would do so quickly as the edition size of this one comes in at only 750 pieces. The expected delivery of this one is scheduled for December of this year.

Hobbit_BOTFA_Intl_posterThe day has finally come and gone when many of you were lucky enough to view The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies in theaters. TORn’s facebook page, the discussion boards and Barli’s chat are all buzzing with excited observations! Many of our staffers saw it too and, as it TORn tradition, we’ll be featuring their comments and insights here, as well as a spoilery picture or two. Speaking of spoilers, they abound in the rest of this article, so read no further if you haven’t seen the EE yet and don’t want to be spoiled until you do!




Continue reading “TORn Staff Reviews the BoTFA EE”

Richard Armitage as Lucas North in 'Spooks' (BBC)TheOneRing.net would like to wish a very happy birthday today to Richard Armitage! Some say it was the smoldering stares. Some say it was the way he spoke and carried himself like a king. Others just can’t stop looking a the hair. Suffice it to say that the entire package Richard brought to the cast of the Hobbit movies made the character of Thorin a most memorable one.

Of course, Richard had a very successful and versatile career before taking on the role of Thorn Oakenshield, distinguishing himself in theater, film, television and even audio recording. Who can forget the smoldering, conflicted character of John Thornton in the BBC mini-series, North and South?  (I said ‘smoldering’ again, didn’t I)? It’s a rare actor who can find success in just one of those creative outlets, no less all of them. As you continue to add interesting and challenging roles to your resume, Richard, we look forward to following your successes – and, we’ll always have those Hobbit DVDs. Many happy returns!

BOFTA EE Canadian cover - courtesy of digitalbits.com
BOFTA EE Canadian cover – courtesy of digitalbits.com

Bill Hunt over at Digital Bits.com came out with two updates on The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies yesterday afternoon. The first, which you can read here, is that the street date for the DVD release looks to be Tuesday, November 17th, according to Amazon.ca which, according to Bill, almost always coincides with with Warner Bros. release date. The second update is that the official running time appears to be 164 minutes, which means the EE will be around 20 minutes longer than the theatrical version, not 30 minutes as intimated by Peter Jackson in various news outlets last December.

The shorter running time has been rumored for the last week or so, with the reaction from our Hobbit forum users mostly reflecting disappointment regarding the ‘lost’ 10 minutes.  Of course, there are also the ‘glass half full’ fans that are hoping that quality will beat out quantity in this case. Let us know what your reaction is in the comments, on the forum, or in Barliman’s chatroom. In the mean time, Bill believes an official announcement from Warner Bros should be forthcoming in the next few days.