Ever since seeing The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey I’ve been waiting to go to Goblin Town via the various collectibles I collect. Comic-Con 2013 finally brought me and many collectors a chance to finally snag one of those nasty looking Goblins. The first Goblin character to get the high-end collectibles treatment is the Goblin King himself. If you ordered directly from Gentle Giant you were lucky enough to snag the little Goblin Scribe for a pretty sweet little set of Goblins. This little set was limited to just 100 pieces worldwide, which made for one of the rarer collectibles so far for The Hobbit Trilogy.
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Gentle Giant brought a few of their Mini-Busts for The Hobbit Trilogy to this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. Fans got a chance to see their Azog, Goblin King with Scribe, Bilbo Baggins, Gollum, and the 2013 PGM Exclusive Dwalin Bust. It was pretty awesome getting a chance to check out all of these busts, but I particularly liked Azog and the Goblin King with Scribe. Both of these busts are massive and looked superb! They are currently available right now from Gentle Giant. So make sure to get your orders in, so you can add these fantastic items to your collection.
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Thanks to our friend Ringer Pousette, we have a very special visual treat to start your weekend. Pousette has had a chance to get their hands on an early release of The Hobbit Playing Card Deck and was kind enough to send TheOneRing.net the first exclusive photos of the new imagery contained within the deck. While all of the images are impressive, check out specifically the Joker, Three of Hearts and Six of Hearts. The photos are after the break and feature spoilerish content – so proceed at your own risk! And of course, we will alert you as soon as we can on where to order your own copy! And of course, let your voice be heard in our comments and forum on what you think of this playing card deck. SPOILERS!
Continue reading “Exclusive: Scans of The Hobbit Playing Card Deck!”
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How serious are things getting on pre-pre-production on “The Hobbit”? Unconfirmed word has reached us (thanks spies!) that Lawrence Makoare (the unforgettable Lurtz, among other roles) has been asked to meet with Guillermo del Toro regarding “The Hobbit.” Certainly the versatile actor, stuntman and good guy would be great to have around the set but on a purely speculative note, do we have our Goblin King?
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