In his first move since deciding not to direct “The Hobbit” movies, Guillermo del Toro has decided to bring Disney’s Haunted Mansion ride to the big screen.

Del Toro announced his involvement in the project today at Comic-Con in a surprise appearance at the end of the “Tron” session. Before his appearance, he offered The Hollywood Reporter an exclusive account of how the project came together.

Del Toro, who checked out of “The Hobbit” in May because of ongoing production delays, will co-write and produce the movie, to be called “The Haunted Mansion.” He may direct the film as well. Read More…

From the New York Times Art Beat blog:  At Comic-Con, even the lines have lines. One way to join the line for a Thursday morning rundown on the “Hobbit” movies from staff members of, a fan site that has consistently broken news about the Middle Earth movies, was to first get in another line for those without credentials (even if you already had one). Then you could scoot through the big registration room, out the other end, and into the Hobbit line — just in time to grab one of about 300 seats.

Waiting around has become something of a habit when it comes to “The Hobbit.” For weeks, executives at Warner Brothers and its New Line Cinema unit have been trying to close a deal under which Peter Jackson, who is a producer and writer of a planned pair of Hobbit films, would also direct them.  More than two weeks ago, word buzzed through Hollywood that a deal was almost done, but things, as of this writing, are still in suspense. Read More…

Today, Turbine released new screenshots from the upcoming Volume 3, Book 2 of The Lord of the Rings Online, which will launch this fall. The update will make the game free-to-play for all and will introduce Turbine’s innovative new pricing model, as well as extend the award-winning story. The new screens depict Enedwaith, a new zone south of Eregion that will be added to the game. Earlier this week, Turbine posted an in-depth developer diary about Enedwaith, which you can view here. Continue reading “New LOTRO Free-to-Play Screens – Enedwaith”

Not only will present a panel Thursday at Comic-Con, we will be running a series of games and contests from the Weta booth #2615 (the corner of the Dark Horse pavilion). Prizes have been donated from Weta, Badali Jewelry and author Ethan Gilsdorf. Thursday will kick things off with a digital scavenger hunt (bring those digital cameras!) Instructions and sign-in will be available following the TORn panel back on the dealer’s floor, set to kick off at 12:30 p.m. with some fantastic prizes including items like: LOTR mini Shields, LOTR stone pendants, a map of New Zeland as Middle-earth, Red Eye of Sauron pins, and Weta and shirts (styles to be determined), geek tags (including custom TORn tags!). Each day another TORn contest will be held including “Hobbit” auditions and Tolkien Trivia! And, come say hi to staffers Quickbeam, Deej and MrCere hanging out with Weta. And of course, we will update from the greatest popular culture celebration in the world with news, notes and interviews!