2014. It heralded the final chapter of Thorin’s Company of 14. What better way to relive it than with a “Top 14” list!
TheOneRing on YouTube is full of videos from past and present — along with our weekly web series TORn Tuesday and Happy Hobbit. Check out some of our playlists and exclusive cast interviews! Throughout last year, we also brought you live video coverage from many events over at www.theonering.net/live (bookmark it)! Continue reading “Check out the top 14 TORn videos of 2014!”
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Blu-ray.com has posted their review of the 2D Blu-ray release of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. High marks are given for both video (4.5 out of 5) and audio quality (5 out of 5) – and we also get a closer glimpse at what bonus features are offered on this Theatrical Blu-ray/DVD edition.
Of particular note is the inclusion of last year’s The Desolation of Smaug Live Event, as well as a collection of trailers for the film (both of which were previously unadvertised for this release). Continue reading “Blu-ray.com reviews ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’ 2D Blu-ray release”
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