Fantasy-Con’s official mascot!
dwarves and dragon
These dwarves aren’t afraid of Smaug!

The first annual FantasyCon was an amazing weekend! Tens of thousands of fans from around the country and many actors from around the world traveled to beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah for an engagingly fun weekend of group panels, signings, photo ops and fireside chats. Here is a recap of some of the fun from several TheOneRing.net staff members who made the journey there.

Elijah Wood Hosts Kickoff Party

Starting off the week was an amazing dance night hosted by Frodo himself DJ ElWood!

Elijah Wood is on the right in the center of the stage. Frodo has some groovy tunes!
Official Fantasy-Con photographers got better shots than we did 😉

Middle-earth Kick-Off!

To start FantasyCon with a celebrity blast, an all-star group of Tolkien guests took the stage including:

  • Sean Astin (Samwise)
  • Adam Brown (Ori)
  • Billy Boyd (Pippin)
  • Jed Brophy (Nori)
  • John Callen (Óin)
  • Peter Hambleton (Glóin)
  • William Kircher (Bifur)
  • Sylvester McCoy (Radagast)
  • Graham McTavish (Dwalin)
  • Mark Ordesky (Executive Producer LOTR)
  • John Rhys-Davies (Gimli)
  • Ken Stott (Balin)
  • author Doug Adams (‘The Music of The Lord of the Rings’)
  • artist Donato Giancola
  • Badali Jewelry
  • …and the staff of TheOneRing.net!

dwarves and staf 2 dwarves and staff dwarves staff 2 staff

There were many group panels throughout the weekend where the actors shared their experiences in smaller more personal conversations. A real treat for fans.

Dwarven Boot Camp!

Hobbit actors Jed Brophy (Nori), Graham McTavish (Dwalin), William Kircher (Bifur) and … invited fans on stage to learn what it take to be a dwarf of Erebor! From axe swinging to harmonious singing fans learned that it’s not just fun and games and fat suits.

bootcamp 1 bootcamp 2 botcamp 3

Doug Adams presents Music of LOTR & Hobbit

Music scholar Doug Adams brought along a keyboard for a nuanced listen at what Howard Shore is doing with musical tones in the Middle-earth series. Fans were blown away by the directed musical connection between the good & evil themes in both film trilogies!

Sean Astin & Billy Boyd: The Fellowship Revisited

Samwise and Pippin shared many stories of bonding while making LOTR, and showed off their tattoos!

Whose (Hobbit) Line Is It Anyways?

Dwarves Jed, Adam, William, Graham and Ken took questions and requests from thousands of fans for a really fun interactive talk which included dancing, singing, humping, falling and hilarity!

hobbit whose line 2 hobbit whose line

Gimli & Gloin: Father and Son

For the first time ever, John Rhys-Davies (Gimli) and Peter Hambleton (Gloin) shared a stage to talk influences, family, process and connection.

Forging The One Ring with Badali Jewelry

Official Tolkien Estate licensee and master jewelers from Badali Jewelry gave a live demonstration of forging the ONE RING of Power! Did you know molten gold does not look the same as what is seen in Desolation? An amazing sneak peek at what it takes to be a master craftsman.

TheOneRing.net Presents…

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Unofficial Preview

Last one before the teaser!

Dinosaurs and Middle-earth!

In an exciting talk comparing Tolkien’s mythical beasts with the fossil record, fans discovered that Mumakil *could* have existed at the size and intensity seen in the books and film! Renown paleontologist Dr. Robert Bakker and Matthew Mossbrucker joined #Road2DragonCon alumni Greg Tally from the Dino Hotel and Justin in this engaging debate.

dino panel

The Legacy of Tolkien

Cliff Broadway joined Doug Adams and staffers Thorongil and Garfeimeo for an engaging look at the impact Tolkien has made on fantasy, pop culture and literature.

Adapting Tolkien

How many times can you slice a potato? Staffers Quickbeam, Deej, Inferno, and Kili look at all the official (and unofficial) versions of Middle-earth from cartoons to film classics.

… and MORE geekiness

Several TORn staff members also moderated or participated in panels about Tolkien fan professionals, Star Wars Fan Documentaries, Fangirls: A Ringers Tale, Hillywood Show, Female Writers and more.

fangirl panel
Fangirls panel

LIVE Streaming!

Throughout the weekend we were live from the show floor and panels with all the cosplay and barrel riders from around the world. Stay tuned for some highlights and for our live coverage of San Diego Comic Con!

Dis (or Mama Hobbit) live streaming from the TORn booth

Thank you to all the fans for supporting TheOneRing.net! Buying a shirt, making an online donation and watching/tweeting our live coverage help keep this community online and alive. Every convention appearance is By fans… for fans!

adam brown
Adam Brown (Ori) stopped by to say hello!
HH Billy
Billy Boyd drew Happy Hobbit as potatoes
TORn truck
TORn truck on the road at the Bonneville Salt Flats!
Mark O
Rob Eric and Mark Ordesky (producers of The Quest) stopped by to geek out!
torn booth
TORn staff hard at work at TheOneRing.net booth
attacking justin
Someones gotta keep Bofur in line
rock monster
Rocky the Rock Monster. He moved and groaned and everything!
attacking the hound
Attacking The Hound (aka TORn staffer David Baxter)
Forging a dragon!
goblin surprise
Our goblin friend surprises Badali
HH booth
Happy Hobbit

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