Greetings — Quickbeam here.

Huzzah! Today we proudly unveil our completely overhauled Green Books… so let the magic begin with an explosion of brand-spanking-new content!

1. Come “Out on a Limb” with me to play the best LOTR boardgames on the planet. Actually, there are only two.

2. Turgon gives us modern high-tech Tolkien publications, via Print on Demand. That’s over on his “Bookshelf.”

3. Our newest Staff person Ostadan writes his “Lore & Letters,” featuring an insightful journey into the Runes and Alphabets of JRRT.

4. Stalwart Ringer Tookish puts tongue in cheek with “Tookish’s Ticklers.” All humor, all the time. Be sure to send him your cartoons, jokes, parodies, and links.

5. The “Special Guest” column debuts with J.W. Braun’s “Fate of the Nine Walkers.” Next month YOU could be our Guest!

6. We research your toughest Q&A — feast on these and more:
  a. Was Middle-earth actually our planet Earth?
  b. Why take two silly hobbits into the service of Kings?
  c. What evil would befall Middle-earth in “The New Shadow?”
  d. Déagol– cousin or just friend to Gollum?

7. Next month our “Moon Letters” will be updated with zillions of new poems and fiction. Send us your submission today by clicking here.

Our hats are off to the hard-working Calisuri, who created the new design and navigation tools. You will find your way around easily with new Search functions, Archives, and Links.

On behalf of our hard-working Staff I salute you, the Reader, for making us the best Tolkien Study Group on the Web. Sit back, relax, and be erudite as we explore the WORDS and WORLD of Tolkien.

Much too hasty,


If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.

Lord of the Rings has hit the front page of everyone’s favorite movie site, LotR is listed first in the “Coming to a theater near you…” section. Thanks to Dan for the tip. [More]

Tolkien’s Enigmas

Should things that Tolkien left enigmatic and unexplained remain mysterious? Should there even be speculation about these things?

Many’s the time I have wanted more detail and information about creatures, characters, races, places, and events in Middle-earth. After reading The Lord of the Rings the first time, I remember the sorrow and joy that came with its ending, and the longing for more. If you’ve read The History of Middle-earth, or other similar Tolkien Enterprises publications, then you have seen a bit deeper than others into the mind which spun such fantastic yarn. But perhaps it’s better not to know that Strider was first called Trotter… or what the fate of Middle-earth is in the end. Some mysteries are better left as such… What do you think?

Bring your thoughts down to our next Hall of Fire!

Saturday Chat: 7:00 pm EST (19:00) [also midnight Saturday (24:00) GMT and 10:00 am Sunday (10:00) in Australia]

Sunday Chat: 7:00 pm (19:00) in Australia [also 9:00 am (09:00) GMT and 4:00 am (04:00) EST]

Sunday Chat: 6:00 pm (18:00) GMT [also 1:00 pm (13:00) EST and 4:00 am (04:00)Monday morning in Australia]

Place: #thehalloffire on server; come to our chatroom Barliman’s and then type /join #thehalloffire

You can be a Hall of Fire Moderator!

That’s right folks, you can run a Hall of Fire! How you ask???

Send us your topics! If we pick your idea for discussion, you will be our guest co-moderator for that weekend. You can help us run the Saturday or Sunday chat, or both! Of course, you will not be required to work the chat; this is our way of honoring those of you who take the time to put a topic together.

Questions? Topics? Send ‘em here!!

TheBursar sent us this e-mail with news of his impending return to Barli’s : )

Guess What??? I’m still alive, but have little money for Internet right now… fortunately, come about… ohh I’d say Thursday, that should change. I bought a computer, and will be getting net access in my room, so I can talk with all you wonderful people again. I love this place… Charleston… er… actually Goose Creek, SC is a great place.

BTW, did you guys check out the LOTR article and pics in the latest Entertainment Weekly ?? Whoa!!!! Wanna see the Balrog….. WANNA SEE THE BALROG!!!!

Anyway, make preparations for the triumphant Return of TheBursar, for I’m a-comin’ home!! And there was much rejoicing……(yay)

Your friend,

Today, January 28th is Elijah Wood (Frodo) birthday! Elijah was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 1981. That makes him the big 20 today! Happy Birthday Elijah! One more until you’re legal in the US!