hobbitdossmaugterriblealrg2Today is the day! As we promised you last week, the Smaug the Terrible statue by our friends at Weta Workshop has gone up for order. This was a show stealing piece last year at Comic-Con, and I know many fans including myself have been waiting to get a chance to order this piece. Smaug went up today at 11am PST with a special pre-order price of $699, which is good through January 25th of next year; after that date the price will go up to $749. Another note about the pre-order: when fans place their orders there will be a $100 NRD (Non-Refundable Deposit) at the time of order. Smaug has an edition size of 2000 pieces world-wide, and as per the sign at Comic-Con is due to ship in quarter one of next year. Do not hesitate to order this piece and add what will be a grail into your collection!

Barliman's Chat Today at 5pm ET (note the time switch because of DST changes) the Hall of Fire will be detouring from our regular book chats back into movie-land as we head into spoiler territory and pull apart the new trailer for The Battle of the Five Armies in what’s sure to be an entertaining and enlightening discussion.

Saruman: Leave Sauron to me.

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies trailer chat and analysis! Continue reading “Hall of Fire today: Hobbit Five Armies trailer chat!”

Smaug2One of the best items from Comic-Con 2014 is coming up for Pre-Order next week.

Smaug the Terrible was so impressive and one of the most detailed statues I’ve ever seen. There has been so much packed into this statue to help recreate the amazing work by Weta Digital in bringing one of Tolkien’s coolest characters to life.

I know for myself, it has been one of the amazing pieces I’ve been eagerly awaiting to become available for order so I could get ready to add it to my collection. So the time has finally come to mark our calendars for next Tuesday, November 11th at 1pm PST. That is when our friends at Weta Workshop will put this superb collectible up for order. Make sure you get your order in so you can be one of the lucky 2000 collectors who will have a chance to have this in your collections.

Over the last week or so, Warner Bros. has been trickling out banner-style artwork and posters for The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies featuring various key characters.

I just thought folks might like seeing the high-resolution versions (those we have in high-res so far, anyway). Just click each image to “embiggen”. Enjoy!

Continue reading “Seven Battle of the Five Armies banners and posters in high-resolution”

beornToday, via their Facebook page, our friends at Weta Workshop revealed a new collectible from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

The next Hobbit collectible will give collectors a chance to own Beorn’s House. Fans who are lucky enough to attend the Salt Lake Comic-Con can see this in person during the convention. All we know right now is that will be limited to only 750 pieces worldwide. Once we know more we will pass that information along.

12If you were at Comic-Con 2014 this year and stopped by artist Jerry Vanderstelt’s booth, then you got the chance to see him bring a 6 foot by 4 foot art print of Smaug to life. Now for those of you who could not make it to Comic-Con here’s your chance to see what it was like watching one of Middle-earth’s greatest characters came to life.

If you’re interested in buying this piece, it is available for sale on ebay, all you have to do is contact Jerry, or, if you want to snag any of his other amazing prints, you can do all of this through his Vanderstelt Studio Store. You can also stay up to date on all of Jerry’s work by checking out his Facebook Page.

Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Vanderstelt Studio’s Creation of Smaug”