The Brisbane Tolkien Fellowship invites you to participate in our Zoom meet-up with our special guests John Callen and Sarah McLeod from The Hobbit/Lord of The Rings Movies, on the 31st October, 2021.

Sarah McLeod – Rosie Cotton
John Callen – Oin

We are initiating this event to replace our Evening in Middle-earth which is our major annual fundraiser for Kids in Care, supporting “The Pyjama Foundation”.

Due to Covid, for the last two years we have had to cancel our event, but this year we are running it virtually, online via Zoom and are delighted that we will be joined by John Callen and Sarah McLeod.

Our event, “Evening in Middle-earth”, first began in 2013 and in that time our small club has raised over $12 000 for our nominated charity and donated many children’s books also.

We hope you can join this special online event and enjoy a conversation with our guests.

The Zoom will run for one hour but can be extended to an hour and a half if required.

Details to join the zoom

The Registration Form to join is located at:

The Meet will be on Zoom and will commence:

7:00 pm New Zealand DST

2:00 pm Western Australia

4:00 pm Queensland, Australia

4:30 pm South Australia

5:00 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (NSW, VIC, TAS, ACT)

For other locations please check here

Remember the date, Sunday 31st October and invite all of your friends.

An Evening in Middle-earth

eowyn1We all love to love the male characters of the Lord of the Rings movies. Who’s heart doesn’t go out to Frodo and Sam? Who doesn’t cheer at Gandalf and Aragorn’s strength or cringe at the sheer evilness of Saruman and the Witch King? These and other male characters are front and center in terms of movie screen-time, and rightly so, but it also makes the appearance of the women of the movies that much more special.

Over at Bustle, the women of The Lord of the Rings movies get the limelight in this article that ranks nine of The Lord of the Rings women in terms of character development. Rosie Cotton, Galadriel and even Shelob get a mention! Read more