fellowship-movie-posterIt really was the best of times. Not just the opening night of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (or whenever you saw the film for the first time). What about when you first found out that Lord of the Rings films were being made? Maybe, like staffer Garfeimao, it prompted you to start searching the internet and you found TORn. Perhaps, like staffer Magpie, you had been longing for something different and/or better than the animated movies (no matter how sentimental and quaint they seem now).  Perhaps you were a lifelong fan of J.R.R. Tolkien, and had misgivings like deej and JPB. For me, it was all of the above!

Please enjoy reading the memories and impressions of some of our core staff, and share your own memories of how you learned of the LOTR movie, how you found TheOneRing.net and/or what your first impressions of FOTR were, either in the comments section, or on our Lord of the Rings Movie discussion forum.

Continue reading “Fellowship of the Rings 15th anniversary: TORn staff share their memories”

Viggo MortensenViggo Mortensen has been honoured for his work in film. The actor took to the red carpet in Hollywood as the American Film Institute (AFI) held a special evening in his honour as part of the AFI Festival, accompanying a screening of his new movie The Road.

“It’s a team sport making movies,” said Viggo, whose other films include A History Of Violence and Eastern Promises. The star revealed his latest film, a post-apocalyptic tale of a man and his son trying to survive by any means possible, was rife with challenges. More..