Screen Shot 2013-08-03 at 2.13.13 PMAfter seeing Geoff Boucher at Entertainment Weekly start a Twitter hashtag earlier this month called “Great Moments in Fake Hall H history” TORn staffer Justin wondered what a similar series based around The Hobbit animated movies of the ’70s would have looked like. Here are his thoughts.


Our friend at EW, Geoff Boucher, started a twitter hashtag a few days ago “Great Moments in Fake Hall H history” — basically what it would fandom have looked like if early conventions were the size and scope of today’s massive marketing showcases.

Inspired by this, we tried to re-imagine what a Hall H panel would have looked like in 1977, ’78 and ’79 while The Hobbit animated movies were in progress.  What do you fans think? Did hardcore fans react positively to all three animated films? Was anyone there at SDCC in those years?