LOTR ONLINE LOGO The folks from Turbine write: Known for his foul disposition, his rotten manners, and his ill treatment of both animals and people alike, Bill Ferny is considered the “bad apple” of Bree-town. His unsavoury reputation has caused many Bree-folk to shun him. Take a brief look at this scoundrel in this week’s content update! Characters of Middle-earth: Bill Ferny

Hobbit Party Kristin Thompson writes: On Saturday at Cannes, MGM CEO Harry Sloan dropped a couple of interesting remarks about Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, and the Hobbit films. They’re on The Frodo Franchise, along with some links to background on MGM’s role in the production. Harry Sloan Talks ‘Hobbit’

Peter Jackson Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson may go a step further in their plans for three Tintin movies – by jointly directing the third installment. Spielberg raised the possibility before the release of his latest film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which had its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival at the weekend. “We are going to make three Tintin movies back-to-back. I’ll direct the first one, Peter will direct the second one. We’ll probably co-direct the third one.” Steven Spielberg reveals more Tintin plans

TORN  Cruise Garfeimao writes: I received a rather intriguing email a few weeks ago from someone at WETA. They simply asked for details of when and where the Cruise to Middle-earth took place. When I confirmed that the cruise would have a full day in Wellington, they invited our group for a little visit. When I asked “what do you have in mind?”, the below itinerary is what came out of this discussion. Continue reading “TORN Cruise now has Extra WETA Coolness!”

All yours for some $680K-plus – the house Peter Jackson used for some of the “haunted house” sequences in The Frighteners. Read More

Sharin sends in this information for anyone living in the vicinity of the Twin Cities: In a little more than a week, I will be offering a Tolkien course in the English department at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. The course is entitled “Tolkien: Medieval or Modern?” This three-week Mayterm meets from May 27-June 12 (M-Th from 9:05-1:10). There are still a few seats available. First-time, non-degree-seeking students can enroll in the University of Minnesota’s “ENGL 3020” here. For a course description, go here and scroll down to “Hot courses.”