Via The Eagles of Manwe, which see all from afar, we are able to bring you this description of the face of Beorn. Our highly reputable source accidentally caught our favourite shape-shifter on location during principal photography in late 2011 at the Beorn’s Hall set near Paradise in Glenorchy.
With the usual spoiler warning, here’s the description:
Mikael Persbrandt’s six-foot-plus frame seems even more intimidating sporting a spiky mane of greying brown hair.
Wearing an actor’s dressing gown, he stands patiently beside Sir Peter while the crew bustle all around, wrangling farm animals and setting up for a scene.
Equally striking are the stiff bristles of the beard that sweeps around Persbrandt’s jaw on either cheek. It’s much more than a Mutton-chop yet not entirely a French Fork. In fact, this beard almost resembles the tusks of a boar — and juts forth pugnaciously at onlookers.
Fierce, bushy eyebrows round out Beorn’s face, and give his eyes a deep-set penetrating look.
He’s going to be terrifying to a pint-sized Bilbo!
We think this sounds a little like John Howe‘s and Alan Lee’s work for the 2013 Tolkien Calendar. Although certain to not be exactly the same, we’re starting to wonder if Peter Jackson’s Beorn won’t bear a little resemblance to the sketch in the montage below.