Hey dol! Merry dol! The rumour-mill for Rings of Power Season Two has just thrown up a crazy one — Tom Bombadil has supposedly been sighted on the set.
TORn Tuesday’s source “Green Dragon Gossip” said that the actor was — in the diagloue — being called Tom.
Quickbeam: Tom? Hmmm. Do you think that’s a possible Tom Bombadil coming to visit the show?
Staffer Justin: It’s 100 per cent Tom Bombadil. That’s what they’re [the source] saying. Tom Bombadil has been cast and will show up in Season Two.
TORn Tuesday broadcast Jan 3, 2022.
Fellowship of the Fans recently tweeted what appears to be a cast codename list. We’re unsure whether this is related to our new Bombadil-sized rumour, however Tom Bombadil would have a codename to help keep his identity secret. However, Green Dragon Gossip states that people on set are hearing dialogue of characters talking to him and using the name “Tom”.
TORn Tuesday has not been able to independently verify this rumour. However, DrNosy, one of TORn’s Discord mods, has heard the self-same rumour in recent days from a source close to the production and clarifies that the code-name for the character is “Errol Pram”.
This is certainly some powerful fan catnip. One speculates that — if true — the existing storyline that it would make the most sense to append a Tom Bombadil appearance (a one-episode cameo, perhaps?) would be that of The Stranger and Nori.
That might seem at odds with the stay-at-home nature of Tom that we see in The Lord of the Rings where he declines to step beyond the self-defined borders of his own country, but the Council of Elrond infers that this was not always the case.
And now [emphasis added] he is withdrawn into a little land, within bounds that he has set, though none can see them, waiting perhaps for a change of days, and he will not step beyond them.
Gandalf at The Council of Elrond, The Lord of the Rings
Enormous debates are springing up on the TORn Discord about whether including Tom Bombadil — even as a cameo — is a good idea in an alrerady-weighty production. If you’d like to join our chat, come to Discord.gg/theonering.