Sixty-four began the contest; in the end it came down to just two costumes, in’s March Madness 2021: the Battle of the Best Dressed in Middle-earth. Aragorn’s Strider garb took on Legolas’ ‘hero’ outfit – and the voting was fast and furious. Thousands of votes were placed – this final round saw the biggest turn out by far. The lead swung back and forth between the two costumes; but in the end, there could be only one. This year’s Grand Champion is…

For a while it did look as though the grit and grime of Strider would be victorious; but a rallying cry went out, and the fans of elvendom mustered – and ensured that the green and silver apparel of the woodland realm went on to glory. Here’s a look at the entire bracket for Middle-earth March Madness 2021:

Thanks to all who participated this year: those who joined us for live results shows, all who voted in the various rounds, and especially the folks who sent in wonderful pictures of their cosplays of the characters. What we were really hoping for this year was to see fabulous creativity from the fans, inspired by the amazing costuming from Peter Jackson’s movies – and we weren’t disappointed. Tolkien fans really are the most amazing creatures.
So that’s it for another year! March Madness 2021 draws to a close – and the pointy-eared princeling reigns over all. See you next year!