has snagged an exclusive with actor Ron Perlman in which he states he’s not in The Hobbit.
“I’m not doing [it],” Perlman said, adding with a laugh, “I think maybe that’s a scoop for you.”
With not much else to go by, fans of Ron Perlman probably needn’t despair, as just because he isn’t in it yet doesn’t mean he won’t be down the line. Some might recall former Hobbit director Guillermo del Toro mentioning he had a role in mind for Perlman, but with Peter Jackson taking over the directorial reins of the two films, only time will tell whether GDT’s choice will still hold.
Until then, all we can do is speculate. There’s a healthy discussion concerning GDT’s and PJ’s casting choices going on over at our message boards right now. Feel free to join in.