This morning WB Games hosted a ‘Second Breakfast’ event at the Hyatt in Seattle. Fans were invited while watching the ‘War in the North’ demo at PAX. The invite itself was a clever Hobbit style letter, complete with a red wax seal much like the one seen in FOTR.
The conference room at the Hyatt was setup for roughly 80 people, they quickly needed to add more seats as the turnout was better than expected! Concept art from the game decorated the room, and they even had fans sign a guestbook for a chance to win on the pieces of art! Another demo of ‘War in the North’ was setup, a different one seen at PAX, this one featuring 3 way battle with a champion orc and two deadly trolls!
A ton of the dev team were on hand to chat with the fans and enjoy breakfast. They roamed the room and sat down with people to chat, it was a very open and refreshing concept. The demo was played twice, with the dev team making quick work of the enemies.
The hardworking team from Snowblind and WB then trekked back to PAX to host the booth for the rest of the day. They should be wrapping up as I type this..and hopefully off to a nice rest tomorrow!
I will be doing a PAX wrap up report on the plane ride home tomorrow. If you have any questions about PAX or any of the LOTR games shown please drop me a line at I also had the chance to do an on camera interview with one of the developers, look for that later this week! Enjoy pics of Day 4.