marathon_ringsThe Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Movie Marathon is taking place right now in TORn’s IRC chatroom. We’re currently watching The Two Towers. Return of the King will start at approximately 7 p.m. EDT. (New York)

Join us as we cheer, jeer and tear over our favorite films. Over the course of 12 hours we will watch all three movies, taking periodic breaks for food, drink and frivolity. Anyone is welcome! You can come and go any time you like, as often as you like.

EVERYTHING you need to know about the event can be found on our Marathon FAQ.

marathon_deathFor those of you who haven’t taken part before, it is GREAT fun. We gather in the IRC channel with our DVDs ready to go and begin watching when the moderator announces START! There’s a lot of fun conversation, with people discussing their faves and peeves as the movie continues. Plus general chit-chat with the TORn community.

If you’ve never chatted before, do not be afraid! TORn’s chat room is a lot of fun and easy to get the hang of. Our guidelines ensure that the chat is safe and suitable for all ages. See our FAQ for more information on how to join and take part in the fun.

Hope you can join us!

As ever, is family-friendly and no swearing, trolling, or abusive/obnoxious behavior will be tolerated. Offenders will be banned after a warning. Thanks for understanding.


  • If this is your first time, don’t be shy about joining in. Simply type in the text box and hit your return button to post to the room. Or you can watch for a while to get the hang of things.
  • The list to the right is the names of all the people currently in the chat room.
  • The names with an @ in front of them are the moderators. They lead the discussion and maintain control. If they ask you not to do something, you should listen to them, or you might be kicked out of the room. In particular, you should not swear. The chat is family friendly and swearing is not permitted.
  • For more information, please visit our FAQ

Read all about our 2006 Marathon event (WARNING: Extreme geekiness!)