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Filming on rocky Mount Ruapehu, the site of some heavy Elf-on-Orc battle scenes in Mordor, was even more challenging, as up to 1,100 people were on set each day. That’s a lot of foot traffic over some rare alpine vegetation. [More]

More things to enjoy while waiting for the movies to come out. These are both funny:
Debbie’s Waiting for Frodo comicstrip which accompanies her Blatherings webjournal. I thought I’d mention it again because so many people are enjoying her trip through reading LOTR for the FIRST time.

Secondly there’s the LOTR drinking game from Phat Cheops. Bad Language alert! – and I don’t mean misuse of apostrophes! takes no responsibility if you wind up with a hangover. [More]

Well it seems that Tolkien-mania is starting to spread more and more in the wake of the new movies. While watching Jeopardy today, the $500 question in the category “Elves Sightings” was something along the lines of:

This author told of the struggle between the Dark Lord Morgoth, and the Eldarin of in the lands of Beleriand.

And Alex Trebek actually got the pronouciations of everything correct. I think the guy who got the question right is gonna win too. Just thought you guys might find this interesting. I know I thought it was cool.

Ringer Spy Aelinwen sends long word about BK vs McD’s merchandise. I’m thinking ‘Fellowship of the Onion Rings’, ‘The Two Woppers’ and ‘Return of the Burger King’….sigh…

Roger Ebert’s required reading The Bigger Little Book Of Hollywood Cliches states plainly that in the promotions war, films sponsored by McDonalds are always expensive, embarrassing failures whereas those sponsored by Burger King are always smash hits.