15534948348_0b23ec851e_o How did you become interested in Tolkien and Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit? What drew you to them and what do you like about them?

Ben P: I remember first reading Tolkien in high school after my sister got me into The Hobbit. Tolkien’s distinct style drew me into the epic journey as I fell in love with the characters along the way. The movies are also a family favorite as we’ve watched them countless times, especially the battle scenes.

What was the first original piece you constructed? What do you think of it now?

Ben P: My first original piece inspired from Tolkien was Rivendell. I still wonder what I was thinking when I started this massive project.

With all the possibilities, what made you decide to build Rivendell?

Ben P: I’m obviously a big Lord of the Rings and Hobbit fan. From Tolkien’s artwork, the natural serenity and Elven architecture in Rivendell always captivated me.

After watching The Hobbit An Unexpected Gathering, I was inspired to recreate Rivendell as portrayed in the movie.

In Peter Jackson’s films, Rivendell is intricate and highly detailed. How did you recreate this with LEGO?

Ben P: I found a visual effects video from Weta Digital which gave me insight of Rivendell never released in the movie. With these behind the scenes images I was able to create every minor detail including the landscape, the location of the buildings, and even the moon runes which all light up.

I also studied Rivendell scenes in “The Hobbit An Unexpected Gathering” regularly to map it out. Weta Workshop was equally satisfied with the outcome as they featured it on their website.


If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to poetry@theonering.net. One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. TheOneRing.net is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.