Thorin, King under the Mountain

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We don’t really know where in the movie these images belong. The first one is a forefront of Richard Armitage’s crowning, and the second one could be Thorin’s head putting out from the bulwark the Dwarves have built in Erebor.

The Dwarves’ chariot


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These pictures confirm that Dwalin, Balin, Fili and Kili are the Dwarves getting on the chariot that has given people lot to talk about. We still don’t know whether the scene is taken from the Battle of the Five Armies, or just before it. [Updated translation courtesy of Ringer Jen]

[Editor’s note: I think it must occur in the lead-up to the battle. The dwarves are seeking help or reinforcements. Might be related to Dain and his army of dwarves.]

Wargs attack the Dwarves’ chariot

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As suspected from the teaser trailer pictures, a pack of wargs attack the cart where Dwalin, Balin Fili and Kili are getting on. And, as can be seen from the preview pictures, one menaces the ram.

The battle in Dale’s ruins.

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Remember that, according to the published in an article by the German magazine Cinema, in the movie, the survivors of Esgaroth will arrive at Dale followed by a group of Orcs. However, the Orcs will be defeated by the Elves of Mirkwood.

In the end, we could see Thranduil staring the dead bodies in the streets, sad and annoyed. Maybe these two pictures belong to before the coming of Gandalf to Dale because you can see in the first picture that the men are not organized enough and the Elves come to the rescue in the last moment.

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