Those who watched TORn’s live Comic Con HobbitCon feed might have Weta Workshop’s Greg Broadmore busy signing copies of his a graphic novel at the Weta Booth.

As a fan of Greg Broadmore’s Dr. Grordbort I thought I wouldn’t mind finding more about it. It turns out that he was signing his new goofy Dr. Grordbort graphic novel called “TRIUMPH: Unnecessarily Violent Tales of Science Adventure for the Simple and Unfortunate” (quite a mouthful).  Published in hard-cover, it contains two gloriously illustrated stories following the misadventures of the brutish (British) space hero Lord Cockswain.


More tongue-in-cheek (and, warning, a trifle crude) retro/steampunk space action after the break:

The first story “Into the Lair of the Space Wankers,” wherein the brutish Cockswain discovers an alien planet that uses tears from children to brew Kuiper Cola, the solar system’s most delicious beverage (naturally :))

The Psychiatrist” has an emotionally repressed braggart Cockswain hints at a twisted childhood while channeling Ernest Hemingway by way of Flash Gordon to blow away a Gilded Gristleback from outer space. (as you do :))

Finally it features a classic faux-catalog of ads for a remote-control punching machine — the Punch-O-Tron — and Broadmore’s signature assortment of steampunk weaponry and ratro ray guns.

A lot of humorous sf-goodness to be had by all!

Read the full story and check out a glorious gallery of illustrations over on Wired Wired: