Join us LIVE at 5pm PT tonight as we welcome Ian McKellen’s webmaster and collaborator Keith Stern!

Keith Stern has produced some of the most popular biographical websites on the Internet. Since 1997 he has been collaborating with Ian McKellen on that actor’s autobiographical website, He also has also produced websites for Lynn Redgrave (, Sean Astin (, Andy Serkis (, Spinal Tap (, Gods and Monsters ( and others for movie stars and movies.

Host Clifford Broadway, aka Quickbeam, will be discussing the HOBBIT production and possibly a few secrets from the set! We launch our program at about 5pm Pacific time — There’s a built-in Barliman’s chat room or come in via Skype. Check out the broadcast in our LIVE Event section right here every week: 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time! [LIVE Event Area] (See All Times)