Thanks to Melissa Brooks from and for posting this video up on YouTube and then alerting us to it. It shows actor Shane Briant discussing his upcoming roles, and at approximately the 1:02 mark discussing how he auditioned for the role of the Mayor of Michel Delving. Enjoy!
Tag: shane briant
Here’s a juicy bit of news regarding an interesting role PJ and Co. are supposedly casting for The Hobbit. British actor Shane Briant spoke at the Bram Stoker Horror Film Festival Whitby Hammer Convention and Exhibition on Sunday October 17th, 2010, and his revelation of his audition for the highly-anticipated Hobbit films drew a very audible “Ooooh!” of surprise from a rather rapt audience.
Here’s what the Shane had to say (you can watch the video here):
[…] I’m hoping to be in The Hobbit. Wouldn’t that be nice. I auditioned for that. It’s supposed to be the ridiculous Mayor of… something or the other… the Shire. And he took himself very seriously. So I got all dressed up, with a silly bow-tie, [here Shane stands up to demonstrate a hunched man with a mild pout] and I thought I gave a very good audition. I still haven’t heard back. I’m thinking it’s because the film’s been put back and Jackson’s now back on board as the director. So I’d love to do that. That’s real fantasy life. So we’ll see.
The good man seems to be a wee bit unsure of which Mayoral role he auditioned for. If he indeed means the Mayor of Shire, Tolkien fans will know without a doubt that he really means the Mayor of Michel Delving, though on the other hand it could very well be the Mayor of Lake Town.
Join in the speculation and discussion over at our message boards. Many thanks to message board member Otaku-sempai for pointing us to this video.