Tubine, Inc. has announced that they will be shutting down 19 of the servers that host their Lord of the Rings Online interactive game. The worlds that are currently hosted on those servers will be consolidated to the remaining ten worlds. Characters that exist in one of the worlds being shut down will be able to transfer to one of the remaining worlds free of charge. According to gamer Lady_Celebrian:
“We’re losing 10 US and 9 EU servers. In the U.S.: Elendilmir, Riddermark, Firefoot, Nimrodel, Windfola, Imladris, Dwarrowdelf, Silverlode, Vilya, and Meneldor. In the European Union: Estel, Gilrain, Eldar, Anduin, Morthond, Maiar, Vanya, Withywindle, and Snowbourn. Servers remaining are: U.S.: Arkenstone, Crickhollow, Landroval, Gladden, and Brandywine. European Unoin: Belegaer, Gwaihir, Sirannon, Laurelin, and Evernight.”
You can read and lean more about it in the World Transfers article, which also contains a good FAQ.
“The Barliman’s group who play together on Imladris are all moving to Arkenstone. You can come join their kin if you wish. They include the chatters Lady_Celebrian, Delta, Pippin, wisey, Lord_Elrond, and LadyArwen. Shadowfax is currently on Firefoot, I think. Message me (Lady_Celebrian) If you have questions, and we’ll try to help any players who need it.”