Every fall, Los Angeles Ringers hold a fabulous Hall of Fire party that features all the things Hobbits, Elves, and Dwarves love most: food, drink, and fabulous costumes. The yard of a private residence in Glendora is transformed for the evening with pavilions representing the Shire, Rohan, and other regions of Middle-earth. You can visit Smaug’s Horde and Gollum’s pool, then relax with a drink at the Flaming Mumak Tavern.
Hosted by Tolkien Forever, the local smial of the Tolkien Society, “costumes are highly encouraged (though not required), and just like the Hall Of Fire from the book, people often bring games to play; sing and play music; and share the art and inspiration that Tolkien has given them.”
If you are in the Los Angeles area, join us this Saturday, October 19, at 6:00pm. Visit the event’s Facebook page and read the event details to RSVP and be sent the party address. The party is open to all, but it is being held at a private home, so you must email the host to receive directions. All ages are welcome, but please be responsible for your children. This a big backyard with a pool in the middle of it. Some parts of the yard are dimly lit. so please be aware of your surroundings. All party attendees must respect the wishes of the home owners at all times.
[Visit the event page] [Local to LA? Check out Tolkien Forever] [See photos from last year’s Hall of Fire]
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TheOneRing.net and Red Carpet Tours Premiere Party was a hit. Happy fans, stunning costumes, wonderful music and to top it all off, we were visited by Peter Jackson, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Richard Taylor, Tania Rodgers, Gino Acevedo, Philippa Boyens, and a whole parcel of assorted dwarves – Stephen Hunter, Peter Hambleton and John Callen, to name just a few – well, I’ve surely left some names off the list and I’m sorry for that. But it was a wonderful, wonderful night, and we’re just bowled over at the generosity of the stars who gave their time and enthusiasm so generously. It was fantastic to be able to thank them and show our appreciation for their hard, hard work.
Huge thanks to William Kircher (Bifur) who entertained the crowd with his great band California Dreamers – their Misty Mountains song was a huge hit. Jed Brophy (Nori) was great with his band The Last Resort, and Jed also did a superb job as MC, keeping the crowd happy and keeping everything going smoothly.
Pics will no doubt follow (there were plenty of you out there with cameras, so please send us your faves); meanwhile check out the amazing scenes captured on local media and the reports coming in on Facebook.
Update! Reports are coming in from some of our discussion board members who attended the party. Read their reports on our TORn Moots and Other Event board here.
The Dominion Post
NZ Herald
TV3 Campbell Live
Facebook party page
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