On September 22nd, the very date of Bilbo’s and Frodo’s birthdays, a large group of Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, Men, Wizards, and well-behaved Wargs, gathered for a day of merriment, feasting, and activities.

The Party took place under the sheltering trees of Griffith Park, in the Mineral Wells picnic area, close by a meandering river. The day was warm, but not too warm. The sun high and bright. The leaves sparkled green and gold in a fair breeze which ruffled the Baggins’ Birthday banner and the feathers adorning Hobbit hats. Tents dotted the landscape: an Elven enclave here, a Dwarven fortress there, a Hobbit hole beneath a tree.

The banqueting table was laden with dishes–pulled pork, barbecue chicken salad, spicy sausages, cheese samplings, Lembas, watermelon, pasta salad (I could go on and on, but it’s making my mouth water all over again.) There were even two big jugs of delicious homemade apple brew crafted from a long list of enticing ingredients.

A separate table dedicated to cakes, cookies and other delightful sweets drew people like bees. (Which fortunately were not as abundant as in years past. Let’s hope this was because there were plentiful flowers elsewhere for them to attend rather than some more sinister reason.) The winning confection this year was made of cupcakes transformed into the swirling lava river in Mount Doom, the One Ring perched precariously on top about to melt into its sugary depths. All this molten goodness was surrounded by cupcake flying Dragons.

The Winning Cake

After people had eaten their fill and had a chance to digest and soak up the Middle-earth vibes, the games began. We started off with our annual tradition of Golfimbul. I discovered that quite a few folks did not know the history behind this game, so I will take a moment to give a retelling.

We call our version of this game Golfimbul. TheOneRing.net staffer Saystine heads up this game that entails a Nerf bat, a traffic cone, a Goblin doll-head, and a stuffed rabbit, and it takes finesse instead of brute strength since it is a contest of accuracy–get the head as close to the rabbit as you can. This year the winner got a hole-in-one, the Goblin head landing in the rabbit’s lap.

Subsequent activities included a Tolkien Trivia competition. TORN staffer Quickbeam, created questions based on Lord of the Rings related books, movies, and TV, and Garfeimao came up with the system for “YES” or “NO” answers, which hastily dispatched the competition until there was only one expert standing. There were two rounds so all could test their knowledge.

Dwarf Tossing, which was introduced at last year’s picnic by staffer Mithril, has quickly become a crowd favorite. Played in teams, with multiple elimination rounds, the ultimate winners each took home a gorgeous Middle-earth ceramic mug donated by Sean Robinson of Functional Mud.

For those of a theatrical bent, there was a contest to deliver lines or act out scenes from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies and books. There was also a costume contest, of course, with many creative entries. During these two contests, we enjoyed performances ranging from a rousing rendition of “The Green Dragon” song, to a heartfelt and voluminous portrayal of Théoden’s call-to-arms (with crowd participation), and a lovely tune sung about and by Tom Bombadil himself. (Yes, the eldest made an appearance!)

The winners of each activity received prizes including WETA statues, action figures, LotR playing cards, and The Hobbit Yahtzee, replete with a golden, jewel-encrusted goblet (appropriately won by a Dwarf). There were also many blind box Middle-earth figurines given away, as well as some valuable relics–canvas carry-bags from a TORN Oscar party–donated by one of the guests.

L-R: Clifford Broadway, Master of Ceremonies, and Costume Contest Judges
Tiffany Germann, Kyle Danskin, Chelsea Schwartz

The day would not be complete without a rendition of Bilbo’s birthday speech. This year, TORN’s Sarumann chose to read J.R.R Tolkien’s early draft of the speech from The History of Middle-earth books, while the guests cheered at all the appropriate places.

Sarumann (Josh Rubinstein) Reading Bilbo’s Birthday Speech

As the shadows grew long, overcome by delighted exhaustion and too much food–there’s always enough for everyone, and even some for people to bring home!–folks relaxed, caught up with friends, or gathered round to listen to Singing Gandalf who was accompanied someone playing a lute. Or perhaps it’s a mandolin.

L-R: Paul Andrew Maertens and Singing Gandalf (Michael Bilach)

P.S. Make sure to follow TORN’s Facebook page at The Worlds and Works of J.R.R. Tolkien – TheOneRing.net You can find news about our events in the “Events” section.

P.S.S. Thank you to all the generous partygoers who donated towards a new and much-needed food tent. Enough money was raised for the tent, and then some, with which we hope to purchase a microphone and speaker for next year.

Photos Courtesy of Jeffrey Lindsey and TORN staffer, Nancy Steinman (Mithril)