It’s not long at all until Episode 4 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power airs. If you’re feeling twitchy while waiting, check out this fantastic Episode 1 to Episode 3 recap from TORn Discord moderator Webcrawler.
~ Staffer Demosthenes
Recap: The Rings of Power Episodes 1 to 3
by TORn Discord moderator Webcrawler
The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power returned on Amazon Prime last Thursday for it’s second season with a whopping three-episode premiere. Many fans across the USA were also able to attend special screenings of the first two episodes at select theatres, including our very own TORnTuesday hosts, Cliff & Justin
The episodes premiered to some very strong reviews, some quite negative but most extremely upbeat. This highlights big improvements from Season 1: tighter, more-focused storytelling, better pacing between plotlines and episodes, and stronger dialogue. Season 2 of The Rings of Power currently sits at 84% on Rotten Tomatoes, “Certified Fresh”, with 91 Critic Reviews.
There are plenty of reviews and breakdowns already available to view online, including from friend of TORn, Tea with Tolkien; but of course, don’t forget to check out yesterday’s TORnTuesday episode where Cliff and Justin spend over three hours examining the three-episode S2 premiere in great detail!
Season 2, Episode 1
Titled “Elven Kings Under the Sky”, a direct reference to the first line of the Ring Verse.
“Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone…”
There are three plots we follow in this episode:
A parallel prologue to that of Season 1, Episode 1 “A Shadow of the Past”, where we get answers to some important lingering questions from Season 1: What was Sauron doing after Morgoth’s defeat? Where did he get the sigil of the lost King of the Southlands? And how did Sauron get on a raft in the Sundering Seas?
After that we catch up to Sauron in the present day, where he turns himself over to Adar. Using his Halbrand form, he somehow convinces Adar to let him travel to Eregion, where he waits to speak with a reluctant Celebrimbor.

Galadriel and Elrond return to Lindon with the Three Rings made by Celebrimbor. There, the elves, along with Gil-galad (and later Círdan) discuss the merits and dangers of using the Three Rings to heal The Great Tree of Lindon. After some time has passed, and Gil-galad tells the Elves to prepare to leave Lindon, Círdan shows up wearing Narya and convinces Gil-galad to use the rings.

The Stranger has a recurring dream or vision of a staff; he and Nori have been lost in their attempt to get to Rhûn, and find that they are being followed. It turns out Poppy has tracked them down and decided to join in their journey. Poppy, using some of Sadoc’s maps, helps them navigate to Rhûn.

Overall Thoughts on Episode 1
Episode 1 is a very strong start to Season 2. The main plot, following Sauron, presents a compelling journey that asks us to consider whether or not he ever truly repented. One particular scene stands out in this regard, where he talks to a Southlander (played by Nicholas Woodeson), on a ship, about overcoming an evil past; the response reminded me of Gandalf’s comment to Galadriel in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey:
Gandalf : I don’t know. Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I’ve found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay.
It’s telling that, immediately after this, Sauron leaves the man to die after the ship is attacked by the wyrm in the Sundering Seas (first seen in Season 1, Episode 2), but not before grabbing the sigil that hung around the Southlander’s neck.

The Lindon plot is also filled with fantastic, Tolkienian moments that show us Season 2 has risen in terms of dialogue and storytelling. Círdan’s introduction is about as close to perfection you can get for a character introduction, as we see him stare out into the seas while a variation of Bear McCreary’s “Valinor Theme” plays, indicating to lore fans that this is the elf who has long awaited the day he shall sail West to Aman.

Galadriel, Elrond, and Gil-galad debating whether to use the rings sets up new and interesting dynamics, with slight role reversals for the former two, as it is now Elrond who refuses to obey the High King. (personally, I’m glad they had Galadriel just plainly state that Halbrand is Sauron; good to see they’re not trying to drag things out for drama).

Of course, there is also the scene where The Three Rings are used and The Great Tree is healed; it’s a moment that should stand out as one of the more truly magical moments of a show. It also features a quick call back to the Peter Jackson films, when the Three are shown together in the prologue of The Fellowship of The Ring.

Lastly we come to the Rhûn plot, whose primary interesting moment was The Stranger’s vision: a staff floating and changing forms. The first form was the staff he’s been shown with in some promotional images. But the second form looks much more familiar…

Yes, it’s quite evocative of Gandalf’s staff in The Fellowship of the Ring.
The other significant development in the Rhûn plot was the return of Poppy, and a shorter rendition of “Wandering Day” from S1. This time it sets our three heroes off on a path to discovering the way into Rhûn. It’s a clever bit of storytelling that provides us with some depth to the Harfoots, and hints at future events to come.
Rating: I would give this episode an 8.5/10. The Sauron and Lindon plots were excellent ways to kick-off the story, while the Rhûn plot gives us some mysteries and some heartwarming moments.
Season 2, Episode 2
Titled “Where the Stars are Strange”, a direct reference to a quote from Aragorn…
“I have crossed many mountains and many rivers, and trodden many plains, even into the far countries of Rhûn and Harad where the stars are strange.”
The Fellowship of the Ring. The Council of Elrond
It’s interesting to note that according to Unfinished Tales, the stars were strange, not in Rhûn, but Harad.
This passage is the only evidence that survives for his having extended his travels further South. Aragorn claims to have penetrated “the far countries of Rhûn and Harad where the stars are strange” (The Fellowship of the Ring II 2). 10
10 The “strange stars” apply strictly only to the Harad, and must mean that Aragorn travelled or voyaged some distance into the southern hemisphere. [Author’s note.]
Unfinished Tales Part 4: II: The Istari
There are four plots we follow in this episode:
The evil spreading from Mount Doom after it’s eruption has sent shockwaves across Middle-earth; nowhere is that more literal than in Khazad-dûm, where an earthquake destroys the mirrors, removing the dwarves’ ability to get light into the depths of the great city’s caverns. Disa and others attempt to sing to the mountain to find passages through which to repair the damage, but the singers fail to communicate with the mountain, bringing more worry to the dwarven realm.
On a personal level, Durin IV and Disa are struggling to make ends meet, as the two Durin’s are no longer communicating, and Durin IV has been cut off from his inheritance. It all looks dire, until a mysterious letter arrives from Lord Celebrimbor of Eregion, with an invitation for the dwarves to meet with him in Eregion.

Halbrand continues to lurk around the gates of Eregion, while Celebrimbor begins to get impatient as he awaits any news from Lindon regarding the Three Rings. As he waits, he continues his work, this time showing a young apprentice his latest creation, Ithildin, which is only visible under moonlight. Finally, Celebrimbor decides to speak with Halbrand, who informs him that the Three Rings did indeed work, and Lindon is healed, the elves are saved, and now Halbrand has returned to ask for Rings of Men.
At first Celebrimbor rejects this aspiration, until Halbrand reveals himself as Annatar, Lord of Gifts.

Having worn her ring, Nenya, for some (indeterminate) time now, Galadriel has a vision of Celebrimbor being wrapped in vines and killed, as he recites the first three lines of the Ring Verse in Black Speech. A concerned Galadriel tells Gil-galad, who reveals ominous visions of his own.
Galadriel, convinced that Sauron must be in Eregion, requests Gil-galad’s leave to go and face Sauron herself; but Gil-galad refuses. Elrond supports Gil-galad in this decision, as he doesn’t trust Galadriel because of her role in helping return Sauron to power; nonetheless, after a conversation with the ever-wise Círdan, Elrond decides a small band of elves will attempt to travel to Eregion and speak with Celebrimbor, and he will lead the group, not Galadriel.

As Nori, Poppy and The Stranger make their way through Rhûn, a band of horse riders seem to be tracking them from a distance; they are revealed to be Gaudrim, and they are allied with a mysterious Dark Wizard in Rhûn who is also the leader of the Mystics. The Dark Wizard brings The Dweller, one of the Mystics who we saw in Season 1, back to life. The Dweller provides a report on Sauron’s whereabouts, which he shows keen interest in. The Dark Wizard tasks the Guadrim with capturing The Stranger.
Meanwhile, our trio in Rhûn have found the desert too taxing, and The Stranger collapses from thirst. Nori and Poppy drag him to a nearby well and fetch a pail of water. Unfortunately it has a bell which alerts the nearby Guadrim, and the trio are discovered. The Stranger however has woken up, and sees nearby the staff from his visions. Using the staff he creates a sandstorm to blow away the Gaudrim, but it goes out of control, and leads to Nori and Poppy also being pulled into it and blown away.

Overall Thoughts on Episode 2
Episode 2 was even stronger than Episode 1; it begins with an ominous look at the recently activated Mount Doom, which now continues to spew lava. Then we transition to a map and see its darkness spread, reminding us that this season, things will get worse for the free peoples of Middle-Earth.
This is reiterated with a very surprising scene of Celebrimbor reciting the Ring Verse in Black Speech to Galadriel in a vision; we know from S1 Episode 3, when Galadriel went to Númenor that she can read Black Speech, and so she was able to understand his words. Conveniently, the One Ring portion of the Ring Verse was left out. Galadriel’s connection to Sauron continues to be questioned, and this is thematically related to the question of the influence of Sauron on the Three Rings of the Elves.

This connection of Sauron is further brought up in Rhûn where we learn the Dark Wizard is keeping track of Sauron through his Mystics. Recall in S1, The Mystics thought The Stranger was Sauron, and sought to bring him to Rhûn. But their purpose remains unclear. The mysteriously masked riders are even more intriguing; one of them tells the Dark Wizard (played by Ciaran Hinds) to remove the “curse of the flesh” from them, but we do not yet learn what that curse is.

Lastly, but certainly most important, is Halbrand showing Celebrimbor his Annatar form. It’s a moment of pure maximalist fantasy; swirling lights and colors, a flowing white gown as Annatar walks toward Celebrimor and seduces him.

Rating: Overall I give this episode a 9.5/10. All the storylines are paced well, and the moment with Annatar’s reveal should go down in television history. Both Charlies did an incredible job in this scene.
Season 2, Episode 3
Titled “The Eagle and The Sceptre”, two important references to Númenorean lore.
I previously discussed the importance of the Eagles in an article after the first trailer was released.
“Thrice only in each year the King spoke, offering prayer for the coming year at the Erukyermë in the first days of spring, praise of Eru Ilúvatar at the Erulaitalë in midsummer, and thanksgiving to him at the Eruhantalë at the end of autumn. At these times the King ascended the mountain on foot followed by a great concourse of the people, clad in white and garlanded, but silent.” [Ed.: emphasis added]
The Fall of Númenor
“It is written that ‘the sceptre was the chief mark of royalty in Númenor’18 from the reign of the First King to that the Twenty-Fifth King and that having survived for 3,287 years it was lost with Ar-Pharazôn at the Downfall.”
The Fall of Númenor
There are six (!) plots we follow in this episode:
Berek the horse ventures into Mordor, and after having an encounter with orcs, he finds Isildur. Unfortunately, Isildur has been webbed up by Shelob, and a fight ensues before Isildur and Berek can ride to safety. Isildur comes across an attacked caravan. As he is investigating it, he’s stabbed by a Southlander girl, Estrid, who thought he was an orc. Estrid tells Isildur that some of the Southlanders and Númenoreans had set up camp at the abandoned colony of Pelargir, and they make their way there.

Isildur and Estrid make their way to Pelargir, stopping to help an attacked caravan. It turns out to be a trap, and after a scuffle, Berek is stolen by these Wild Men; luckily Arondir comes in and saves Isildur and Estrid. He takes them to Pelargir, where a funeral pyre has been set up; Bronwyn has died, succumbing to poison from the arrows the orcs shot at her. Theo and Arondir are struggling to deal with this loss and maintain their father-son relationship without Bronwyn to connect them. Isildur talks to Theo about Númenor; Theo tells him he can help him get Berek back.
Estrid and Isildur talk about their mothers, we learn Isildur’s mother died while saving him, which has left him with a sense of profound guilt. After Isildur leaves, Estrid uses a hot knife to burn out a brand that has been put on her, Adar’s brand, indicating at some point she swore fealty to him. Theo and Isildur go to the camp where Berek is being held; they free Berek, but a complication arises as someone or something attacks the Wild Men’s Camp.

Elendil is paying his respects to the deceased King at his funeral; Eärien tells him that he doesn’t need to blame himself for Isildur’s death, they can blame the Queen. Míriel shows up to her father’s funeral, and is confronted by a woman who lost her son in the expedition to Middle-earth; Miriel comforts her.
Later, Pharazôn talks to Míriel about her coronation, and hints that she should choose to move Númenor forward, and not backwards in a return to the Faithful ways as her father tried. However, she seems to refuse. Pharazôn, Kemen and Eärien are in a bar talking to Lord Belzagar, a Númenorean lord from the north who dislikes Míriel and thinks Pharazôn should rule.
Valandil confronts the table, and makes a clear threat to Kemen. Eärien tells Lord Belzagar about the Palantír. During Míriel’s coronation, Eärien reveals the Palantír to the Númenorean court, inciting the crowd against Míriel. A Great Eagle of Manwë swoops in on the open perch; Pharazôn walks up to it, and Lord Belzagar starts a Pharazôn chant, leading the crowd to join in and proclaim their desire for Pharazôn to be their new ruler.

Durin talks to his father about Celebrimbor’s new proposal; he tells King Durin that he’s uncertain about this, and how they had talked previously about the elves trying to cheat death. King Durin brushes off Durin IV’s concerns, as the needs of Khazad-dûm are too great right now.

Celebrimbor tells Disa and Durin about the rings, and how he can make more to help them if they provide him with mithril. Durin is a bit more skeptical and explains that he is not on speaking terms with his father, King Durin, and cannot bring a new proposal to him.
Annatar interjects, and after a failed attempt at flattering Durin, tries to convince them they need the rings. Later, Annatar tells Celebrimbor that Gil-galad did not want him to make any more and doesn’t even know that Annatar is in Eregion. Celebrimbor takes offense to this and pens a letter to Gil-galad, lying about closing up shop so that they can let the work continue. Later on, King Durin arrives with mithril, which Celebrimbor and Annatar use to make new rings.

The orcs prepare for war, and Glûg talks to Adar about his concerns regarding this new direction; why go to war when they already have a home now? Adar assures him that there will be no peace for orcs unless they make sure Sauron is no more.
The Hill Troll known as Damrod arrives at Adar’s camp, and asks “Where is Sauron?”

Overall Thoughts on Episode 3
Episode 3 has a lot of plots to juggle and that ends up affecting the pacing. Despite this being the first episode where we see Númenor this season, there’s really only four scenes, and it jumped from the end of last season so that we don’t get to see Míriel’s initial reaction to learning her father died, nor Eärien’s reaction to the loss of Isildur. Instead we are thrown right into the politics of Númenor, which some could argue have not been thoroughly set up to warrant such jumps.

Conversely though, the Pelargir plotline was really well done. We’re introduced via an ambitious five-minute scene from Berek’s point of view, as the horse journeys to find his rider, Isildur. From there we expand to the addition of a new character and then a new location in Pelargir. As this happens we learn more about where the characters are at now, and it feels a lot more natural than Númenor.
But it benefits from having the most screen time of any plot this episode.

We don’t get much of Eregion, Khazad-dûm or Mordor, and we do not see Lindon or Rhûn in this episode. It’s still a gripping episode, particularly the end scene where the Seven Rings are made, but the sheer number of plotlines being followed makes it feel a bit more disjointed compared to the first two.

Rating: Overall I give this episode a 8.0/10. There are some interesting developments (Seven Rings, Great Eagle, Shelob battle, the hint of Ents, Damrod), but it feels a bit like too much to juggle in one episode.
The first three episodes of Season 2 are more cohesive than Season 1. S1 had a two-episode premiere, but both episodes ended with Galadriel stranded in the middle of the ocean, so it felt like we were still getting started.
Season 1 also had a lot more setup to do, whereas with the first three episodes of Season 2 we jump right into the story. Theres also less mystery: Galadriel tells Gil-galad the truth about Halbrand right away, and we follow Sauron around and see his manipulations with Adar and Celebrimbor go into effect. The pacing of the episodes are more favorable too as significant events happened in each of the first three episodes of Season 2: the Great Tree of Lindon is healed, Annatar has arrived, the seven rings are being made, and so on.
About the author: Webcrawler is a full-time data analyst and a part-time Tolkien aficionado and moderator on’s Discord Server. When he’s not working or in the discord, Webcrawler is horsing around on Twitter