Now that the trailer for The War Of The Rohirrim is out, and a wider audience has been able to see footage, the thoughts of some of us return to Stephen Gallagher’s score. And Galllagher has, in fact, been very busy while we’ve all been staring at animation and musing aobut character designs. TORn Discord moderator Lasswen is here with the low-down.
The Sounds Of The Rohirrim: Gallagher Concludes Scoring; Big Tip on End-song Vocalist?
by TORn Discord moderator Lasswen
Trailer 1 began with Howard Shore’s iconic theme for Rohan, but then merged into what seemed to be somewhat generic trailer music.
While it was quite awesome and not out of place, it seems we are yet to hear any new music for Rohan. In June, Staffer Demosthenes published this report on the scoring to that point in time.
Let’s take a look at what has been happening since.
Again, Instagram is our friend. We are very much appreciative of Gallagher and others who have posted about their work so we can follow the journey.
In the later part of June, Gallagher travelled to England. While there was no mention of recording sessions, he did state that there was more music to score and record. At the end of July there was another update: he was nearing the finishing line of the score.
August saw a lot more activity, starting with the final round of recording in New Zealand, with Stroma Ensemble.
That included at least harp (with a small and orchestra-sized harp) and the return of Tudor Consort for additional choral recording. The inclusion of a small harp has me curious about the potential for maybe an accompanied vocal song, or a poignant scene with a singular instrument for a different sort of emotional effect than a large orchestra.
The final run of recording saw Mark Willsher (music producer and mixer, pin3hot) joining remotely from England, but then the recording sessions swapped to London and it was Gallagher that was joining remotely from New Zealand.
The three days of London recording included brass, taiko, timpani, and more crumhorns and shawms. It’s interesting that the shawms worked from the trumpet score, and transposed on sight for this final session, perhaps indicating it was a late decision to try a different sound than originally conceptualised, or to add shawms on top of the trumpets.
Something that does not seem to have occurred (as yet) that was alluded to back in mid-June was more recording in/from Mexico, presumably for more hardanger fiddle from Karen Bentley Pollick.
Yet, that’s not quite the end of it!
In recent days I spotted a mysterious credit on IMDb for “London Voices … choir theme song”. So, if there’s a theme song who could be a soloist to sing on that theme song? It seems we may actually have an answer for that! Staffer Kellie from Happy Hobbit was the first to make the connection: the theme song for War Of The Rohirrim may be sung by Paris Paloma, after the singer shared the trailer.
Paloma’s songs often convey powerful messages on women’s issues, and with Héra as its protagonist, she seems like a good fit for a War Of The Rohirrim theme song. For now, this is unconfirmed and speculation.
However, one notes that WOTR writer Arty Papageorgiou has been following Paloma for a few months now. Additionally, the singer seems to already have a fondness for anime with a scene from Howl’s Moving Castle providing some inspiration for another song, as well including an iconic John Howe Gandalf imagine in an picture dump at the start of the month.

Now that we have reached this point, just what do we know about the score for War Of The Rohirrim?
- Orchestra instrumentation includes typical woodwinds, brass, strings, percussion
- Some unusual medieval instruments such as crumhorns and shawms are also present
- There will be a choral section (editor’s note: chorals seemed prevalent in the trailer, but maybe that’s just me)
- The iconic sound of Rohan from the Jackson films returns with the hardanger fiddle
- Japanese taiko drums and Tibetan singing bowls are being used
- There may or may not be Éowyn playing cowbell (at least that’s what I keep saying about Gallagher’s Weta epic mini being in most of his Insta pics hehe)
- It appears there will be a theme song, possibly sung by Paris Paloma
Gallagher posted on August 28 that scoring had wrapped, so now we await hearing the results of all the talented musicians in bringing this new imagining of the sounds of Rohan to life.

About the author: Lasswen is a former primary and classroom music teacher, who played bass clarinet in high school and community concert bands. As well as being a long-time player of Lord Of The Rings Online, Lasswen makes use of the game’s music system to arrange and perform music in virtual Middle-earth.