Welcome to The Great Hall of Poets, our regular feature showcasing the talent of Middle-earth fans. Each month we will feature a small selection of the poems submitted, but we hope you will read all of the poems that we have received here in our Great Hall of Poets.
So come and join us by the hearth, and enjoy!
If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to poetry@theonering.net One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. TheOneRing.net is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.
Lament for Númenor
by J. Newsom
Before the surging seas were bent and Ulmo's fury fully spent and Númenor in all its pride to doom was sent, sweet Elvenhome could still be seen, it's peaks aglow in silver sheen, by Kingly eyes both clear and keen from the peak of Meneltarma. Oh Númenor, oh Númenor! Precious gift of Valinor! The creeping fear of mortal tide estranged your folk from wisdom's guide now lost for evermore. The faithful trod with reverent step the road which round the mountain swept to reach the view that far and wide their senses wrapped. Overhead the eagles soared while on the summit stillness roared and none could voice a single word on the peak of Meneltarma. Oh Númenor, oh Númenor! Precious gift of Valinor! The creeping fear of mortal tide estranged your folk from wisdom's guide now lost for evermore. The land is lost beneath the wave. From tower tall to quiet nave, into the depths did each one slide. None were saved. Elendil and his faithful few with nine ships fled the ocean's spew. Into their sails the torrents blew from the isle of Meneltarma. Oh Númenor, oh Númenor precious gift of Valinor the creeping fear of mortal tide estranged your folk from wisdom's guide now lost for evermore.
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A Silmarillion Haiku
by Henry Herz
In the beginning, Grew trees, golden and silver, Lighting the heavens.
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Is Love So Dear
by Lynda K. Ward
Ice bright and cold the mountain seemed The sun was shining bright Yet from faraway the darkness came and soon began the night With the moon reflecting on the cold hard way every scene so clear Reflecting the hearts of many men when love was no longer dear.
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Lament For Hurin
by mimiï
Oh Hurin, Hurin, now thee set free, oh Hurin, Hurin, how can it be? You will never know, what a dreadful sin, you will never know, you have doomed your kin, Oh Turin, Turin, Turin, why must your sad fate befall? Oh Turin, Turin, Turin, beckon to Thingol’s calls, Beleg did try, to heal the curse, Beleg did try, Turin only got worse, Oh Hurin, Hurin, why has fate turned this way? men bewitched by greed, of the line of Hurin, Morgoth needn’t slay…
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