San Diego Comic Con’s schedule is up and’s panel will be Friday, July 22 at 5pm in Room 25ABC. If you’re attending, be sure to join the fun!
Tolkien Fandom: The Road Goes Ever On
Friday July 22, 2016 5:00pm – 6:00pm, Room 25ABC
There have been fans of Professor Tolkien’s work since 1937, and there will continue to be fans far into the distant future. The staff of are continuing to host online discussions, streaming video and live events throughout this year and for years to come. They know you want to discuss the details of the books, make and wear beautiful costumes and party like Hobbits whenever you can. This year they will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the release of Fellowship of the Ring. Join staffers Clifford Broadway (TORn Tuesday), Josh Rubinstein (TORn bookclub), Kellie Rice (Happy Hobbit), Alex Rice (Happy Hobbit), and Josh Long (Collecting the Precious). Expect some fun audience participation during this in-depth discussion with the website forged by and for fans of J. R. R. Tolkien.