Fresh off the world premiere of “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” in Los Angeles, set designer Ra Vincent and TORn staffer Larry D. Curtis (MrCere) talk Hobbit with Fictional Frontiers. Vincent was on hand to help decorate the portions of sets visible in press and fan effort “The Book of New Zealand” and attend the big Hollywood screening of the film in the Dolby Theater.
Our MrCere was on hand at the premiere as well to conduct lots of interviews with cast and crew and support our team in Los Angeles and was asked to share his observations and even a review of the film. Fictional Frontiers is a show dedicated to a serious discussion of genre entertainment, television, film and literature. The episode also features Tara Bennett (no relation of Manu) East Coast Editor of SFX Magazine. You can listen to the full episode RIGHT HERE!.