Welcome to our collection of TORn’s hottest topics for the past week. If you’ve fallen behind on what’s happening on the Message Boards, here’s a great way to catch the highlights. Or if you’re new to TORn and want to enjoy some great conversations, just follow the links to some of our most popular discussions. Watch this space as every weekend we will spotlight the most popular buzz on TORn’s Message Boards. Everyone is welcome, so come on in and join in the fun!
This week on Main saw the return of stormcrow20s Caption Contest. Check out some of the crazy responses here.
In the Reading Room, Brethil is leading us in a discussion of “Law and Arda” by Douglas Kane. Come and share your views here.
Meanwhile in The Pollantir Sam90 would like to know if you believe in Ghosts? Come and vote and leave your thoughts here.
In Feedback, The Grey Elf was wondering if we should have an official De-lurk Day, to encourage more people to step out of the gloom of Lurkwood and into the Light of the Boards. See what everyone has to say here.
We’ll share more topics next week. We hope you’ll come and join in the conversations! Don’t forget, TheOneRing.net’s message boards have over 9,700 registered Tolkien fans, just like you. Let your voice be heard!