Don’t forget, tonight and tomorrow at 8 p.m. EST in the U.S., TNT will be showing “The Return of the King!” Last week there was a good crowd of Ring fans in TORn’s chat room watching the movie and dissecting all their favorite bits. We’ll be informally gathered again tonight and tomorrow for Round 3! [Join the chat] [About IRC chat]
Once you’ve joined the main chat room, type /join #moviechat to get in on the fun.
Some of the regulars have been opting to watch the EE version after the TNT showing concludes. You’re all welcome to enjoy, we simply ask that you behave nicely and follow the rules.
ALSO: Join us Sunday at 5pm EST for our annual “Chatters’ Choice Wacky Holiday Film” showing: This year it will be “Scrooged,” starring Bill Murray.