Like Sin City before it, The 300 will bring the work of graphic-novel writer and artist Frank Miller to the screen using live actors against a computer-generated background. Shot entirely on a soundstage in Montreal, the film centers on the ancient battle of Thermopylae, in which 300 Spartan soldiers attempted to hold off an invasion by a massive Persian army. For stars Gerard Butler (The Phantom of the Opera) and David Wenham (the last two Lord of the Rings films), the process was a little disorienting, but worth it in the end. [More]

Osse from, writes: There is update on Adam Klein opera “Leithian” website. []

There is cast photo, where we can see almost all artists taking part in performance – here.

Next novelty is the opera programme in html version, where is a lot informartion about opera and each artist with small photo. There is also a small interview with Adam Klein, the opera’s composer. [More]

Hollywood star Sir Ian McKellen has confessed he wasn’t too happy with the script of Ricky Gervais’ Extras. The Lord Of The Rings legend will make an appearance in a forthcoming episode of the acclaimed series. He plays himself in the funnyman’s show, which is well-known for parodying the diva-like behaviour of celebrities. In the past, Extras has featured Samuel L Jackson, Kate Winslet and Ben Stiller. [More]

Summer swashbuckling movie Pirates Of The Caribbean and its stars lead the winners at Sunday night’s Teen Choice Awards in Hollywood. Sequel Dead Man’s Chest scooped the Action Adventure and Summer Movie awards, Johnny Depp won best Comedy Actor, Orlando Bloom won Male Hottie of the year and Bloom’s onscreen battle with Jack Davenport won best Rumble. [More]

Udi writes: On 24th of August, the second annual Mythopia Convention will take place in Tel-Aviv, Israel. This convention is jointly organized by, the Israeli Tolkien Society, The Israeli His Dark Materials community and the Harry Potter for grownups community. [More]

Udi writes: On 24th of August, the second annual Mythopia Convention will take place in Tel-Aviv, Israel. This convention is jointly organized by, the Israeli Tolkien Society, The Israeli His Dark Materials community and the Harry Potter for grownups community,

This year Convention will focuses on Tolkien’s books, Philip Pullman’s ‘His Dark Materials’, Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’ and Lewis’s ‘Narnia’.

We managed to get some various prominent Israeli lecturers such as Yeal Sela-Shapiro (the translator of the HDM books into Hebrew), Gili Bar-Hillel (the translator of the HP books into Hebrew) and More.

Some of The Activities about LOTR and other Tolkien books in the Con.:

  • Lecture: about Frodo after the ring
  • Lecture: On the connection between LOTR and Harry Potter
  • Lecture: About dreams and dreamers in Tolkien’s creation
  • Movie: VeggieTales – Lord of the Beans