Ashlee & Rachel Scott write: GenCon has come to a close once again, but what a wonderful weekend it was! I don’t think anyone attending had time to sleep! The biggest problem with GenCon is there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do all they have in store for you there! Gaming, RPG, LARP, TCG, tournaments, art shows, celebrity guests, comics, Star Wars, LOTR, musical guests, 24 hours of films from “Aliens” to “Princess Bride” plus an amazing Film Festival where fans showcase their own work in several categories from short films to full length features! Not to mention vendors galore and tons of free goodies!!
Four days, twenty-four hours a day of fun, gaming and films and we still didn’t have time for everything! Talk about exhaustion!! Everyone present had an amazing weekend. The new games that were previewed were incredible and we can’t wait for their release. Darth Vader and his gang were there to take pictures with fans, as well as other well known action heroes. Richard Hatch and Kevin Sorbo were among the guests attending this weekend.
Our “Dork of the Rings” friends had wonderful world premiere on Friday evening to a packed theater. The cast and crew were on hand throughout the weekend to answer questions for Dorker fans. And, at the DOTR booth, fans were lining up to buy their DOTR dvd, just released this weekend at GenCon, but available online at www.dorkoftherings.com for anyone that wasn’t able to attend. We had two of our own fan film showing throughout the weekend also, “LOTR: Return of the King Sneak Preview parody” and our DOTR fan film (www.marsproductions.net). It’s always fun watching films with other fans! We met so many incredible people and were sorry to see the weekend end!
GenCon is just an awesome gathering of a variety of art forms and entertainment that there is something there for everyone! Those of you on the west coast can attend GenCon in Anaheim, California on November 16-19, 2006. If you can’t make it this year to GenCon, mark your calendar for next year – August 16-19, 2007 in Indiana! www.gencon.com Don’t miss out on all the excitement! I’ve sent along some pictures of GenCon for all to enjoy! Thanks!
Ashlee & Rachel Scott
M.A.R.S. Productions