The ever busy Ringer Spy Garfeimao sends along this report and images from our ELF convention in New Jersey this weekend!
ELF opened on Friday with a big line up at the registration table, as the exhibitors scrambled to get their booths up and running.
The show opened with Daniel Reeve demonstrating some new Middle Earth fonts he will soon be releasing, and him showing everyone some of the letters and maps and things he created for the films. Michael Drout came on afterward and started his lecture by reciting the opening lines to Beowulf, in Anglo-Saxon, no less. It was stunning and his whole presentation was very well recieved. This guy is definitely a keeper for future TORn events, I know the fans today enjoyed his lecture immensely.
At the same time Michael was on, Laura Cooper was beginning her Tengwar lessons. Photo ops with John Noble came next, and then he was on stage answering questions and telling great stories.
After John Noble and Daniel Reeve finished signing autographs, and got a bit of rest, the Dessert party started. Yummy little pastries and ice cream with loads of toppings were available, and everyone had a lovely sit down. It was a great time to chat, meet new people, and then John and Daniel wandered around the room meeting everyone. After they left, the fans stuck around in the room and hung out some more, and then slowly migrated out into the lobby.
After it was clear that the dessert party was over, many people migrated to the bar, including John Noble and Daniel Reeve, who did not mind hanging out with everyone.
As has become a long standing tradition at TORn events, and even other Tolkien events, the bar was closed by Tolkien fans. This tradition was always upheld by TORn staffer Balin (Greg Grieman), who passed in March. But it’s clear that other’s will continue to carry the party torch forward, and that is as it should be.