Sûlien writes: This has little to do with Tolkien, except for the fact that he loved trees and forests. However, I think many in the Tolkien community will find this of interest! Apparently, logging rights for some areas of giant sequoias in the Giant Sequioa National Monument were sold before the monument status took effect. A judge has placed a temporary injunction stopping the logging, but it is only a matter of time before the Forest Service and the logging companies try to overturn this. Read the MSN article here.
I have taken the liberty of composing a letter to my elected officials, and it would be great if all Tolkien fans and environmentalists contacted their elected representatives to tell them that we will not stand for this and asking them to draft or co-sponsor a bill banning logging in the National Monument permanently! The text of the letter is below, as well as URLs to look up the contact information for your elected officials (just type your zip code and hit go).
Here is the address for Congressional Representatives (the info for Senators is already in the letter):
Honorable (Congressperson’s name)
2467 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20515