Coxhm writes: Sydney’s Supanova Pop Culture Convention was on the 15-17th October. Richard Taylor and John Rhys Davies were there to represent Lord of the Rings and WETA. Richard was his normal chatty, friendly informative self. He indulges the Ringers present but also talked about King Kong and Narnia. I find it interesting how he often starts his talks with ‘i only life one life’ as he would have to repeat some of his stories–but what a life!! He is such a humble and generous man–never charges for his autographs and photographs!! We were thrilled as he recognized us from our volunteer work at The Exhibition earlier this year!! JRD is much more the movie star–facinating to lilsten to but on a different sort of plane. His time was cut sort on the Friday night and I didn’t get the chance to hear him on sunday. He did the obligatory comment of ‘No I don’t have Orlando Blooms phone number but yes i would give it to you if i did!” It was nice to dabble in the Rings again–and the figurines were only $3.50!! A bargain!!