Kevin Lively writes: I am currently directing a production of The Hobbit at Bakersfield Community Theatre (Bakersfield’s Oldest Community Theatre). I thought you guys might like to hear about it. Attached is an article written by one of publicity guys for a local underground newspaper called The Black Board.
THE HOBBIT is on its foot-stompin way – By N.L. Belardes
Kevin Lively, that dashing actor/director with more energy than a Tehachapi wind turbine is now spinning one of the most masterfully whimsical plays to ever grace Bakersfield Community Theatre. Here comes The Hobbit, no not Frodo ala Elijah Woods look-a-likes from Peter Jackson-style Hobbityville landscapes; this is a directorial-specific play version of the J.R.R. Tolkien novel that started it alland Frodo isnt even in it!
Who needs to see DVD re-plays of that psychotic little hobbit, Frodo when Bakersfield has Livelys telling of The Hobbit? In this story, Bilbo Baggins, one of the hippest hobbits of the Shiretown blues there ever was, journeys from his homelands of The Shire and beyond the Mirkwood Forest. Enter Livelys slapstick blend of The BBC meets Mel Brooks meets Tolkien in a dark alley of stand-up comics. Yes, Bilbo gets the One Ring, but just how he goes about his journey, only Kevin Lively in his secret meetings of choreography with over 45 stage actors and mysterious monumental Middle Earth sets knows. Will he tell all before the very premiere of such a play as has never before been seen by Bakersfield folk? A simple No, will have to do! So sit back, and wait, but dont you dare be patient. Working with a considerably large budget sponsored by lots of fine folks from the Bakersfield community, The Hobbit promises to be one of the most popular shows to ever grace Southern Central Valley theatres… just take a look at this cast and crew:
Bilbo – Chris Orta (last seen in Peter Pan as Tootles)
Gandalf – Angela Poncetta (Last seen in Laugh in as the British chick)
Smaug (voice) – 160.1 KRAB Radio’s Meathead
Thorin – Aaron Logan
Gollum – Ben Lejeune
Smeagol Jenna Lejeune
Gobbo – Clay Beaudette
Elfrida – Katrina Cruz
Director – Kevin Lively
Ass. Director – Caroline Clark
Producer – Aaron Mauldin (Zog the troll)
Sound – Sean Perryman (Best Sound Design for Peter Pan for the 2004-05 BCT Season)
Costumes – Sarah Downey and Jeny Rendt Scott-Sanchez for a svelte take on Middle Earth
Make-up – Victoria Vasquez (Full creature make up down to the hairy feet.)
October 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23.
14th and 21st @ 7
15th and 22nd @ 2 and 7
21 and 23 @ 2.