Marius writes: The Lord of the Rings Symphony is to be performed in Frognerparken in Oslo on the 27th of August, for the very first time in Scandinavia. This is a part of the Norwegian company Hydros 100 years anniversary celebration, and thus it is free entry! Before the symphony itself, there will be a 45 min long parade through the park, featuring about 100 costume dressed fans, jugglers and musicians playing medieval instruments. The costume-clad fans have been organised by the great Norwegian Tolkien-website Natse Tolkieno ( Also attending (and supposedly even in costume!) the Norwegian Minister of Justice, Odd Einar Dørum, whom is an expert of Tolkien and a great fan! He has cited Tolkien in several of his political speeches.
The symphony itself is to be performed by Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Oslo Bach-choir, Ensemble 96 and Sølvguttene. Sissel Kyrkjebø is soprano, Paddy Maloney plays the solo flute and Annbjørg Lien the solo violin and the ancient Norwegian instrument hardingfele, giving a most special and distinctive sound to the most beloved Rohan theme. The entire arrangement is to be conducted by Christian Eggen. Sissel has recently performed the symphony at Akropolis in Athen, for which she has harvested wonderful critics. [More]