Sue Bamford, Duty Manager for bfi London IMAX® Cinema writes: The BFI London IMAX cinema are doing another overnight screening of all three films on the 18th and 19th of March.
Screenings start at 8pm on the Friday and 8.30pm on Saturday going on until the wee small hours of the morning. Free teas and coffees to keep everyone going through the night, and Ulrukai warriors in attendance to enforce Sauron’s will (otherwise know as the duty manager)…
…last time was so much fun we wanted to do it again. Tickets and more details available from the BFI’s website.
Many thanks…I’m a huge fan of the films and have been whinging to my boss to be allowed to do another night as the last ones were so good. We have the biggest screen in Britain, so even though these are only 35mm prints it looks marvellous. Just as important we have a truly powerful sound system, with 12,000 watts to help you real feel the battle scenes.
I’ll be running about dressed as an elf, so hope to see other suitably attired fans!