ORC wrap up for the Red Cross

TORN staffer Garfeimao writes: We had two separate activities going on at ORC to help the American Red Cross.

Firstly, the folks at Tolkien Forever housed the fish bowl that acted as a collection point for monetary donations. The end total, including what was collected by Sean Astin during his signing, came to just over $2000. The included picture shows Nicole and Kristi handing over the money box to Diane Drolet of the American Red Cross San Gabriel Valley office.

Secondly, we had a blood drive on Sunday at the Sheraton next door to the Pasadena Center. We had 21 people turn up to donate blood, no deferrals, 2 people were unable to complete their donations, so the Red Cross walked away with 19 productive units of blood. One pint of blood can save up to 3 people, so this means that up to 57 people can be helped with this blood drive.

On a separate note, I received an urgent request from the American Red Cross today for further blood donations in the Southern California region. This is due to that terrible train crash in Glendale that resulted in 10 dead and over 200 injured. I’ve included the Press Release from the Red Cross so people can see just how dire the emergency is. BTW, people can donate in other parts of the country, since the blizzard on the East Coast creates a need for blood there as well.


Blood Donors Needed In Wake Of Train Derailment

(Los Angeles) — The American Red Cross is issuing an urgent appeal for blood as it responds to the needs of those injured in this morning’s train derailment in Glendale. The Red Cross is responding to a fatal Metrolink commuter accident with multiple deaths and injuries.

The Red Cross has rushed 60 units of blood to Glendale Memorial Hospital and is on standby with Glendale Adventist, Providence St. Joseph, Huntington Memorial, and LA County-USC Medical Center.

There are less than 50 units of O- blood on the shelves of the Southern California American Red Cross, so there is an urgent need for blood donations. Blood donations are urgently needed to replace the large amount of blood being sent to hospitals to respond to this incident.

“We have met the immediate blood needs of local hospitals and now need to replenish the blood used,” American Red Cross Blood Services, Southern California Chief Executive Officer Charles Wilcox stated. “Type O blood is especially needed because it is the universal blood type. In an emergency, such as this incident, O negative blood is given when a patient’s blood type is not known and the patient needs an immediate transfusion.”

The blood center is asking all eligible individuals to donate blood now. Those involved in auto and train accidents often need to up to 50 units of blood to help treat their injuries.

Over 40 percent of the blood used by Southern California residents is imported from out-of-state blood centers. However, many blood centers on the east coasts have declared a state of emergency due to the recent blizzards, and blood shipments to Southern California are often not reliable at this time of the year.

Blood donors are urgently needed to replace the large amount of blood being sent to hospitals to respond to this incident. People who can donate blood should call 1.800.GIVE.LIFE to schedule an appointment at a nearby donor center.