On January 15th, 2005 TheOneRing.net and Creation Entertainment presented THE ONE RING AWARDS at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, California. Here is the list of nominees and winners. This list also includes the art show and contest winners. Congratulations to all! See you next year!
Best Performance by a LOTR actor in a television show
Sean Astin in Jeremiah (Showtime)
Sean Bean in Henry VIII (PBS)
Brad Douriff in Deadwood (HBO)
Craig Parker in Mercy Peak (TV ONE NZ)
Dominic Monaghan in Lost (ABC)
Best Performance by a LOTR actor in a motion picture
Viggo Mortensen in Hidalgo
Elijah Wood in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
Orlando Bloom in Pirates Of The Caribbean
Sean Bean in Troy
Ian McKellen in X2
Best Tolkien themed book published since the release of The Fellowship Of The Ring (the movie)
Tolkien and the Great War by John Garth (Publisher: Houghton Mifflin)
The Peoples Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien, Erica Challis, Editor (Publisher: Cold Spring Press)
There And Back Again: An Actors Tale by Sean Astin (Publisher: St Martins Press)
The Maps Of Tolkiens Middle-earth by Brian Sibley (Publisher: Houghton Mifflin)
The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: Tolkiens World from A to Z by Robert Foster (Publisher: Del Rey)
Best Tolkien based Lecture presented at an Academic Function
History in Words, Tolkiens Ruling Passion by Tom Shippey, Marquette University, October 2004
Tolkien and the Idea of The Book (Sam Gamgee, Arthur & the Winchester Manuscript) by Verlyn Flieger, Marquette University, October 2004
Teaching Tolkien by Michael Foster, Marquette University, October 2004
Tolkiens Green Time: Environmental Themes In The Lord Of The Rings, by Andrew Light, NY Tolkien Society, April 2004
Harry Potter Is A Hobbit by Amy H. Sturgis, The Gathering Of The Fellowship, 2003
Best Fan Site dedicated to a LOTR actor/actress
Sean-Astin.net (SANET) Sean Astin http://www.sean-astin.net
Always & Forever Elijah Wood http://always.ejwsites.net
Stardom Dominic Monaghan http://dommonaghan.com
ViggoChronicles Viggo Mortensen http://www.viggochronicles.com
Craig Parker.net Craig Parker http://www.craig-parker.net
Best Fan Fiction
The Last Grey Ship by Erin Rua
Left Behind by Elanor
Gandalfs Diaries by Ufthak
Courting The Lady by Celandine Brandybuck
Reckoning by Aratlithiel
Best Fan Film
Lourde Of The Farkels, director: Cathy Bilbo Clark
Return of the King Final Map, director: Stephen Montalvo
Fellowship of the Bags, director: Leah Jakusovszky
Lord Of The Rhymes: The Untolde Tale, director: Morgan Barnard
Journey To Microdor, director: Linda J. Teller
Here is a listing of all the costume awards given, including the two that received One Ring Awards.
Most Endearing Couple, Youth Level
Pippin & Uruviel, modeled by Hailey and Jenai designed by and made by Jenai Pellesin
Cutest Hobbit, Youth Level
Hobbit, modeled by Emily Belenky designed by and made by Emily Belenky
Most Dashing, Youth Level
Faramir Ranger Garb, modeled by Sean Phillips designed by and made by Melody Phillips
Best in Class, Youth Level
Young Boromir, modeled by Veronica Smeltzer designed by and made by Danielle Smeltzer
Best Couple, Novice Level
Beren & Luthien, modeled by Valerie Sleith & Maarjel Snabel designed by and made by Valerie Sleith & Maarjel Snabel*
Best Adaptation of Design, Novice Level
Ithilian Rangers of Gondor, modeled by Danica & Dawn designed by and made by Danica Lisiewicz & Dawn Rose**
Best Fellowship, Novice Level
Hobbits & Elves & Men, Oh My!, modeled by Jennifer, Janelle, Jarek, Jacy, Megan & Zoe designed by and made by Jennifer, Janelle, Jarek & Jacy Neczypor, Megan Harrison & Zoe Jones
Best Leatherwork, Novice Level
Ithilien Ranger, modeled by Sheryl Gray designed by and made by SherlyGray
Most Beautiful Hobbit, Novice Level
Rosie Cotton, modeled by Carynn Udovch designed by Cathy Udovchand made by Jennifer Briggs
Most Creative Use of Unconventional Materials, Novice Level
The Last Ent Maidens, modeled by Micah & Christie designed by and made by Fatimah Abdullah & Christy Starner
Most Original, Novice Level
The Tower of Barad Dur, modeled by Nicole Roberts designed by and made by Nicole Roberts & Dot Caffrey
Best in Class, Novice Level
Legolas, son of Thranduil, modeled by Donald Pong designed by and made by Donald Pong & Lydia Lee
Best Couple, Journeyman Level
Arwen and Aragorn, modeled by Caitlin & Rogue Shindler designed by and made by Caitlin Shindler
Best Handwork, Journeyman Level
Eowyn Riding, modeled by Julie Simon designed by and made by Julie Simon
Most Beautiful, Journeyman Level
Eowyn Coronation Dress, modeled by Stephanie Phillips designed by and made by Melody Phillips
Most Heartbreaking, Journeyman Level
Mount Doom Frodo, modeled by Claire Green designed by and made by Claire Green
Best in Class, Journeyman Level
Lady of the Woodland Elves, modeled by Rebecca Peck designed by and made by Rebecca Peck
Excellence for Movie Accuracy, Master Level
Gandalf, modeled by Jay Smith designed by and made by Liane Deinhart
Best Tailoring and Use of Fabric, Master Level
Bilbo Baggins Party Outfit, modeled by Kathie Gust designed by and made by Kathie Gust
Best Original Concept, Master Level
Night Sky Over Middle Earth, designed by Johanna Washington and made by Shannon Hillinger.
Best in Class, Master Level
Theoden, King of Rohan, modeled by Philip Gust designed by and made by Kathie Gust
Best Workmanship
Legolas, son of Thranduil, modeled by Donald Pong designed by and made by Donald Pong & Lydia Lee
Best of Show
The Ents, modeled by Paul Wee & Adrianna Galvez designed by and made by Paul Wee & Adrianna Galvez
Art Show Award Winners
1st – Best in Show – 3D/crafts medium, amateur or professional: Laura
Quindt, “Mallorn Tree Banner”
1st – Best in Show – 2D medium, amateur: Olga Bosserdt, “Celebr’an and Her Sons”
1st – Best in Show – 2D medium, professional: John E. Kaufmann, “Reflects of the Shire”
2nd – Best in Show – all mediums, amateur: Helen K., “Elven Kings”
2nd – Best in Show – all mediums, professional: Colleen Doran, “Frodo Sam Merry Pippin”
3rd – Best in Show – all mediums, amateur: Jeanine Reane, “Bag End Planter”
3rd – Best in Show – all mediums, professional: Tim W. Kuzniar, “The Gray Wizard”
1st – Fan Favorite – Diana Vosburg, “Frodo’s Dream”
2nd – Fan Favorite – John E. Kaufmann, “Reflects of the Shire”
3rd – Fan Favorite – Larry Briner, “Eowyn Faces the Witch King”
1st – Kid’s Favorite – Lindsay Archer, “Aragorn and Arwen”
2nd – Kid’s Favorite – Lindsay Archer, “Shadowfax”