Altaira writes: Goldilocks Took, a regular on the TORN message boards, took first place in the amateur division of the Dragon*Con 2004 Art Show this past weekend. Goldilocks watercolor Iorhael (Frodo) was selected by a panel of judges out of over 200 entries.
Goldilocks found TORN a few years ago while recovering from a severe arm injury. I was blown away by the talent here art, poetry, essays, parodies, all this love of Tolkien expressed in so many mediums. As her arm healed, Goldilocks picked up her brush again and gradually began sharing her drawings on the message boards. She received so much encouragement she entered the Dragon*Con Art Show for the first time in 2003. Her efforts were rewarded this year when a group of friends from TORN attending the Con ceremoniously ushered her to the exhibit where the First Place blue ribbon was gracing the corner of her watercolor.
I thought I would faint when I saw the ribbon, said Goldilocks. All of your support has meant more than you can know. It has given me courage to put my heart out there on the canvas.
More of Goldilocks artwork can be seen here.